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Huening Kai Pov

I'm currently waiting for my hyung to pick me up from the airport. He literally forced me to come here. He's so stubborn. But, all thanks to him, I can meet Beomgyu hyung too now. It's been like 3 years since I've been here. I missed this place so much. Normally hyung would come to meet me in Hawaii. But this time he wanted me to visit him.

There he is.

??: Hyukaaaa!

He ran towards me and squeezed the living shit out of me.

Huening Kai: Yeonjun.... hyung... I can't..breathe!

Yeonjun: oops!

He left me. I was finally able to catch my breathe.

Yeonjun: I can't believe you're here. I missed you sooo much!

Huening Kai: Yeah me too. But I'm very tired. Can we go home please?

Yeonjun: Oh yes!

He grabbed my luggage and went towards his car. I followed.


<<Time skip>>

Beomgyu Pov

I am still working on my project, no, scratch that, I am going blank not knowing what the hell to do in this project. And it is all because of him. Why isn't there a memory eraser so that I can forget him and work on this stupid project?

I was busy wasting my time when the doorbell rang.

I went downstairs, and before I could even see who was there, someone jumped out of nowhere and tackled me to the ground.

Beomgyu: Ow! Who is this?

The person smacked my forehead. Oh wait, that's Huening Kai. THAT'S HUENING KAI!


Sorry I couldn't write much. I just wanted to say, my exams are starting and I have to sacrifice this phone till September 30. Uk how sad it is?? I went on a vacation, came back, wrote two shorter than jiminie chaps, and then I'm going on a strike yet again! Hmph!

Istg once I get my phone back I'm gonna blast this story with chapters!

Vote of u think exams are life- ruiners. And vote even if u don't think so(if that's possible...)

Anyways byeee

Luv y'all.


Ties (Yeongyu/Beomjun)~Check profile for re-written version~Where stories live. Discover now