My Beauty

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Hola everybody! So, I'll be honest here, this is not my first time writing a boyxboy and I don't plan on it being my last. But it IS my first time publishing one. All thanks go to Danielle_Arnaud for the boost! *cue applause* Go check out her 1D Fanfic, Can You Remember Me. Without futher ado, I now give you right of passage to my story! Happy reading! Critism is strongly accepted, good or bad! Just not...pulverising. Please let me keep some dignity ;-;


***Eli's Point of View (P.o.V)***

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder; it's been exactly eighty two hours since I've last seen Amelia and all I can tell you, is that I have most definitely not grown any fonder, let alone my heart. And it's with those depressing thoughts that I curve in the school's parking lot and proceed to park my car in its usual spot. Not too far from the school, nor is it too close. I unbuckle my seat-belt and pretend I don't notice the sight of my phone screen lighting up, alerting me that Amelia's sent me a text message. And five before that. I step out of my car and for a moment, I stand there, dazed by the sunlight's blinding rays. I mean, I know my nickname is Sunshine, but not because of this. After having gotten accustomed to the new scenery, I bend down and grab my bag, hitch it over my shoulder and slam my door shut. Out of habit, my hand comes and sets the alarm by pressing one of the four buttons on my key control thingy; I don't recall the name. 

Just as my foot steps within my grade's hallways, somebody notices me. And that somebody is - you guessed it - Amelia. "Eli! Where have you been?" Her arms come and link around my neck and, once more out of habit, my arm laces itself around her waist. "I've been texting you all morning, why didn't you text me back?" Our lips meet briefly and I can't help but claim the her breaths smells like tuna. Is that a PMS thing? Or did she actually have tuna for breakfast? "Um, I'm sorry, I woke up late and I can't text and drive at the same time." I say lamely, planting a kiss on her forehead and begin walking with her around my arm. As she speaks, I try my best to listen; I really do. But when my eyes fall upon a certain someone, it's a lost cause. My peanut of a brain is only able to process it. Or for lack of better words, him.

Derek Armani. God, just his namesends shivers crawling down my spine. And I'll admit, it is not a bad feeling; it's....enticing. Today, he's chosen to wear a pair of jeans that - dare I say it - make him look sexy as hell. If you venture further up his body sent from heaven above, he's wearing a leather jacket. I don't know what he's wearing underneath but my mind is only stuck on what's underneath what he's wearing underneath. And if you dared to look up into Derek's eyes, you'd know why my brain has shrunk to the size of a pea. His hair, as dark as the midnight sky, they fan up into a small bed of gelled spikes, but it all looks naturally. It really does. His eyes are as blue as a sunny sky without any clouds and I'm sure if you look close enough, you'd be able to notice those golden specks that seem to glisten under the fluorescent lights. He's an awe-striking beauty to marvel. I'm positive that his body should be preserved and stored in a museum when he dies. I realize that I may have stepped a little out of line with that last one; but if you could see, you'd understand. 

It's only when I feel myself tumbling backwards, do I snap out of my thoughts and catch myself just in time. A vague, familiar cologne hits my nostrils and when I look up, I'm met with a pair of angry crystals. But as threatening as they look, I feel an unfamiliar warmth crawl over my cheeks and my heart beats a little faster. "Watch where you're going, ballerina." A deep, husky voice tells me gruffly before walking off once more, nudging my shoulder again. I don't notice that my breath has grown shallow just from that simple encounter until Amelia enters my line of vision, her hands on my waist. "Eli? Baby are you alright?" She asks me and I can only nod meekly, resisting the urge to look back and admire his broad shoulders I know are only as good as his front. "Let's go." I let out breathlessly, my arm returning around Ame's waist. "You're blushing." She remarks, giggling. "Why are you blushing?" Her voice inquires and Derek's face floats in my mind and I can't help but smile. "Because I saw my beauty, today." I tell her simply.

She buys it.

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