Heaven and Hell Coalition

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  • Dedicated to My Small Pickle

A.N.; Okay! Hi. Hola. Bonjourno! Um, to be honest, I don't actually know why I decided to make an Author's Note...but I think it's cool. So yeah. Here I am...not actually writing anything important. But fluffy narwhal bootays are. So. Think about it. Happy Reading!

***Derek's P.o.V***

Bloody hell, why did I have to be so damn tall? Contrary to popular beliefs for those who are deemed shorter, being above average is nothing to be proud of. In this cirumstance, anyway. I slink down the hallway, able to see over every head of all the students, well, most of them. The fact that I had accidentally on purpose bumped into Eli had nothing to do with that. When I had caught him staring at me, I wasn't sure how to feel about it and I didn't like it. Not one bit. I didn't like it because something had made something inside of me stir; in a way I wasn't quite sure if I liked or not. And so, I had stepped in his way and made the boy crash into me for the mere reason that I wanted for him to stop looking at me like that so I could stop feeling the feeling  I didn't like because it made me like it. The part that caught me off guard, though, was when he had begun walking again just after me, my head tilted back and I caught sight of the pair of jeans - not that Amelia was wearing - but Eli's. Immediately, I snapped my head back to watch where I was going and here we are, back to the beginning. 

I'm walking down the hallway, and I notice that some people purposely go out of their way just to make sure they don't have to walk near me. I'm never sure if I should take that as a good thing or not. Most of the time, I just shrug it off but there are a few times where it simply makes me wonder. "Derek!" I hear a voice shout my name through the herd of mindless sheeps and I keep walking; not because I don't want to listen to what she has to say, but because I never wait for anybody and I know that she'll catch up to me. Just as I predict, she's fallen in step with me within seconds. "You can't keep ditching school, you know that?" Her voice rings in my ears, tilting a small smirk at the corner of my lip. "And why is that?" I retort nonchalantly, hitching my bag up higher up on my shoulder as I turn a corner and make my way down to Mrs. Smith's class, damn Chemisty. "So I can catch you checking out Eli's ass more often." Her voice is sly and it takes every inch of will power not to show my shock. Instead, my smirk broadens into something some would consider a crooked smile. "I believe you need to get your eyes checked, Demi, for I was checking out Amelia's ass." I told her simply. For those of you who don't know Demi, she's my best friend. Has been ever since, I think around the age of eight years old. Now, it's not like I'm able to tell her every little thing and gush about people or whatever. No. She's someone who I'm able to tolerate for years and she makes for good company. That, and she knows the shit I've been through, so she's worth keeping around. "I do not need to get my eyes checked, D." Demi tells me, matter-of-factly, her brows furrowing in slight offense. "You were totally checking El-" "Here's my class, gotta go, bye." I cut her off dryly when I see Eli making his way towards me, or, uh..the class.

Without so much as a glance at my fellow friend, I saunter inside the classroom and take my seat. Nothing has changed since the beginning of the year, I'm always at the back of the class - a window seat. It's nice. I like it, there's no one beside me and I intend on keeping it that way. A girl - a cheerleader - walks by me and slips me a note. When I look up at her, she gives one of those cheer smiles and flips her hair before walktzing off, her giggle faltering behind her. I look down at the note and read it. Now I smirk, for real. When my eyes look up to meet hers, she's staring right at me, her lower lip bitten by her teeth. I give her my signature wink and the deal is set. I'm so getting laid tonight. Sure nobody wanted nothing to do with me, but the girls...well, they thought that being with me would make me change my ways or something like that. I don't know, girls are weird. But hot. So I guess if we just cut straight to the chase, I'm good with that. 

Without warning, as soon as the bell rings, Mrs.Smith begins speaking, and I am not liking where this is headed. "Class, it is with great entusiasm that I have decided to mark twenty percent of your grade by assigning you a group project." At first, some laughs and hearty whispers were being exchanged, everybody already picking their friends as partners but the look our teacher was giving us told me that that wasn't what she had in mind. "I am not done." She states firmly, her voice carries out all the way to the back of the class, bringing silence. "I have assigned partners. You will be in groups of two." Now the classe's reaction was filled with groans and complaints. And me? I just sit right here, my back hunched in my chair, waiting to hear the verdict. Maybe I'll get paired up with Hailey, the girl with the note. I'm sure that if I promised her a night or two she'll remember, she'd do the project. It's a win win, right? 

One by one, the pairs are being called and the further down the list she goes, the more I grow uneasy. My name hasn't been mentioned yet. Neither has Charles' or Melissa's or Trevor's or -

"Eli Tucker and Derek Armani."

Well I'm fucked.

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