In overwatch 2 and paladins, you get a handful of free characters to pick from, how you unlock more is different, in overwatch 2, you have to win games, rewarding players transferring over, more than new players, with a few heroes being locked by hero challenges, these seven part missions, have you learn the mechanics of the character, or buy them if you just want to jump into the gameplay, meanwhile paladins has you buy heroes with in game currency 300 gems or 15,000-60,000 based on champion, seven free champions vs 15 free heroes, things don't look that great for paladins, but wait we forgot about the four free rotation making the ratio of few champions to free heroes at thirteen to fifteen, or it's actually one to one, overwatch 2 has no character customisation, outside of cosmetics, where as paladins gives players 20 cards, three talents and five different card levels, so 300 non cosmetic ways to customise, talents are unlocked by progression, but the cards/card levels are on unlock.
Each card has its impacts, some cards lower cool-downs (stacks with the Kronos perk), grants healing when used (possibly stacks with life rip and kill to heal perks), gives ammo for use, or effects skills (giving buffs or bonuses), each card level you upgrade to increases these buffs, for example a level one card gives you 50 health, but a level five of the same card gives you 600, if these cards, could be implemented to overwatch 2 characters, you'd end up running into bulked out tanks, that can take most hits, damage heroes, who's abilities are almost always off cool-down, and healers who move faster, have shields or have seemingly no limit, to their mag size, the only reason, why the cards aren't crazy broken in paladins, is due to stun mechanics, but paladins health pools are also a factor, with the lowest playable character health being 1,800 (Evie).
so if we balance it all, the overwatch characters, are getting out worked here, the only threats to paladins champions are sombra, Lucio, moira and reaper, that's if we don't alter their passives, if we do Lucio and sombra become the only threats, since reapers passive would have to be an ability that you have to activate, before combat to get some use out of, or mid fight to optimise at risk of whiffing,
Meaning you have 100 customisation options in paladins and zero in overwatch 2, since paladins training matches are PVE, it's only fair I go over that and other things in the next, but this is part 1/? Near enough done, I'll put it up first to test the waters, if it gets good traction in views and /or comments, I'll continue to compare and contrast the differences, the next part will look at cosmetics, then bugs, and maybe it'll then move to cost for champions/heroes, which will ask, if playing the game for long periods of time, is better or worse than outright shelling out cash, depending on situation of course, playing one game doesn't inherently make you a god at the other, or make opinions like mevee is better than ???, or (favourite character from overwatch 2/paladins) is superior to (mirroring character in overwatch 2/paladins), it's to compare, contrasts and acknowledge the two, as inherently different things, that despite similarities, they are not the same and never will be.
Overwatch2 vs paladins
Short StoryIn this, I'm going over paladins and overwatch2, so both free2play games, but with a sort of paywall, if you are impatient.