Chapter 10

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"Twerk that ass, Mina!" I giggled.
I was drunk. Drunk. 

"Woah." I tripped but Kaminari caught me. 
Sero and him were sober still, watching over us. 
"Thank you, Pikachu." I tapped his cheek.
"Pikachu?" He laughed.
"I want more." I pouted at my empty cup.
"Come on." He dragged me to the kitchen.
"Drink water first." He gave me a closed bottle and I drank it. 

"This is so much fun, Pikachu!"
"I'm glad you're having fun!" He chuckled and gave me a fresh drink.
"Thank you." I bowed making him chuckle. 
"I love this song!" I squealed and ran to the dance floor to where Mina was. 
"And everybody's watching her...but she's looking at you~" I sang while dancing. 
I felt hands on my hips and thought it was Kaminari.
"Pikachu! Your drinks are amazing!" I laughed and looked back to see another guy.
"Wh-What? Where's Pikachu?"
"C'mon, baby. Why do you need that yellow creature? Let's dance."
"Fine...but no touching." I pointed and he just chuckled and spun me around making me giggle.
"Names Noah!"
"Nice name for a nice girl." He whispered making me blush. 
"And everybody's watching her....but she's looking at you! You~ you~ You~ You~ You~" I sang loudly. 
"You have a beautiful voice!"
"Hey man get your hands off of her!" Sero said.
"Sero! Don't be mean to Noah! He's nice!" I hugged him making him blush and looked away. 
"Fine...I'm watching you!"
"He's just like that." I giggled and spun to face Noah.
"Dance Noah!"
"Alright." He chuckled and danced with me. 

Bakugou's POV:
 "C'mon, bro!"
"I don't want to go to a fucking party!"
"Please! Give me some company!"
"Great! Get dressed!"

I walked out of my house and to Kirishima's truck

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I walked out of my house and to Kirishima's truck. 
He was sitting in his truck with music on.
"Let's go." He put his phone down and started driving.

Marinette's POV:
"Chug chug chug chug!" Everyone chanted.
"Marinette! You don't have to-" Sero said but I cut him off by chugging my whole drink.
"Wooo!" Everyone cheered.
I smiled and hiccuped. 
"That was awesome, girl!"
I giggled and saw a table where everyone was surrounded cheering.
"Strip strip strip!" I looked to see a girl taking off her top showing her bra.
"I want to do that!"
"What? No Mari-" I pushed past and ran to the table.
"You want to try?" This guy asked me.
"Yes please."
"Awesome." He smirked and helped me up. 
"Strip strip strip!" Everyone chanted. 
"Marinette! Don't!"
"Marinette! Marinette! Marinette!" They chanted my name making me smile. 
I grabbed the straps of my top and pulled it off showing my bra underneath.
"Marinette, stop!"
"Strip strip!" They chanted more.
I looked down at the button on my skirt. 

Bakugou's POV:

"Ugh...filths," I muttered looking at the couples making out on the front lawn. 
"Let's go. Let's find Mina or the guys."
We both walked in to see everyone chanting and cheering.
"Strip strip strip strip!" They chanted. 
"Marinette! Marinette! Marinette!" They chanted making me freeze and look towards the middle. 
Marinette? No...She can't be here.
"Fuck." I growled and fisted my fists.

Marinette's POV:

I grabbed the button and was about to pull it when the music turned off. 
"What's going on?"
"Everyone out! The parties fucking over!" We all looked toward the voice to see Bakugou....glaring at me. 
"Man c'mon! She was just going to give us a strip show!" 
"Shut the fuck up!" he threw the plug for the speakers onto the floor and walked towards me.
"Get the fuck down!" He yelled making me lower my gaze and pout.
I sat down and got off the table.
I wobbled and the ground shook but he grabbed my arm to keep me up.
"Boo! Boo!"

"I found them!" Kirishima shouted and I looked to see Mina, Kami, and Sero who immediately looked down when Bakugou glared at them.
"Let's go." He grabbed my top and shoved it on me.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me out with the group following behind. 
"Shut up. I'm taking the truck. You guys go back in Mina's car."
"Sure. Take care." Kirishima threw Bakugou his keys and they all left in Mina's car. 
He dragged me towards the truck and opened the door helping me up.
He buckled me up and slammed the door shut making me cringe. 

He climbed into the driver seat and started the car without even looking at me. 
We drove down the road. 
"I'm fucking disappointed in you. I'm fucking pissed! So don't fucking talk to me or else I'll say something I'll regret!" He snapped clenching the steering wheel. 
"....." I looked down.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.

He kept driving around not going anywhere specific. 
"Why'd you do that? You would never fucking do something like that! And you were going to take off your skirt too! Those guys are fucking pigs! They'll take pictures and make them public! Your parents, the school, universities, anyone will see it! And I know you want to go to a university! They won't accept you once they find out you do strip shows Marinette!"
"I was worried about you, ok? Those fucks are probably jerking off to whatever's inbred in their heads. You're mine. You're my fucking girlfriend." He growled. 
"I'm sorry," I whispered and curled my body.
".....It's fine, Blueberry. You didn't know." He muttered and ruffled my hair. 
"You hungry?"
"No, thank you."
"Nonsense. I'll get you McDonald's. Good?"
"Say no. I dare you." He glared.
"Fine." I giggled. 

"Here you go." I thanked him softly and took the bags from his hands. 
He drove out of the drive-through and parked in the empty parking lot. 
"Here." I gave him his burger while I started eating mine. 
"Is there a sauce in the bag?"
"Let me check." I put my hand in the bag and felt around for sauce packs. 
"Here!" I gave them to him.
"Thanks, Blueberry." He mumbled with a smile and poured hot sauce all over his burger. 
"Is that spicy?"
"Mhm." He nodded while chewing.
"Can I try?"
"Nope." He shook his head.
"I can handle it."
"Really?" He smirked while sipping on his soda. 
"Mhm. Watch me." I poured hot sauce all over my burger and took a big bite. 

"Yep." I nodded while chewing.
"....." He sighed and gave me my soda.
".....Oooh!" I spit everything out in a tissue and took large gulps of my soda.
"i CAn hANDLE IT! wATCH ME!" He mocked me. 
"Hey! That was hot!"
"Totally!" He chuckled.

"Welp, here you are."
"Thank you for driving me home."
"Will....everything be ok tomorrow?" I asked quietly.
"I'm not going to lie and say yes. There will be talk and rumours and pictures. Just ignore them. I'll be there too so we'll see."
"Ok...I'm sorry again."
"Don't be." He waved it off.
I sighed and leaned forward to kiss his cheek.
"Bye!" I called out jumped out of the truck and ran inside.

Bakugou's POV:
I'm glad she left right away. Because I can see a pink colour on my cheeks. 
"Well fuck.." I sighed. 

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