9 month hiatus

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hey everyone sorry i haven't been posting i didn't have any ideas to make a full chapter and i'm in my last year of secondary school (high school if you will) so I wouldn't be posting till after my exams so I'll give a bit of a spoiler for the next time I update

One of the children walk up to Damian and said "未来一个孩子就足够了,不需要六个"微型混合动力 (in the future one child is enough you don't need six 'miniature hybrids')" a tanned boy looking exactly like marinette said surprising mps who knew the language making them laugh making Marinette flustered and Damian a bit red in the face with the bat fam not knowing what was said except for-......end of spoiler ✨🐱✨
See you soon! The image is mine btw💜

Marinette BoleotiWhere stories live. Discover now