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      ''Glorious'' he murmured distractedly as his teeth grazed her nipple softly and she shivered letting out a little whimper of pleasure as he suckeld a little harder using his other hand he rubbed the other nipple between his thumb and his index finger, her breath came fast a he watched her bite her lower lip and felt her arc her back her breast pushing into him.

          He let go of her nipple and traced the length of her arched back. She was soft and she felt wonderful under his caresses. He heard a hoarse foreign sound loudly leave his throat, and he was astonished it came from him.

        He released her nipple from his mouth and kissed her collar bone, throat, jaw up to find her supple lips and sweet breath when he felt her warm fingers wrap around his erection, he had not noticed when she undid his trousers and her fingers found him hot and throbbing.

        His head rose unconsciously from the contact and he let it fall back, she stroked him gently her hand soft and unsure. His mind was in a frenzy his eyes closed tightly he could hear his own heart beat, then she stopped with his eyes closed he felt her lift her hips slightly then his erection engulfed in a tight wet and glorious surrounding and he heard himself moan she was in control.

       Her sudden wince was not lost at the sound of his moan, his eyes snapped open just in time to see pain etched on her face then it was gone.
Roy cursed he looked to where they were joined the skirt she wore covered them.

        He slowly tried to lift her off him as hard as it was for him, he understood what that wince meant, but she resisted. she took his hands and laced her fingers through his leaning forward she lifted them above his head, he let her. Slowly and unsure she moved her hip with him inside her he groaned hearing him moan she seemed to gain more confidence she moved again and again each time faster.

        She let go of his hands and paced them on his now bare chest with his hands free he grabbed her waist and with the other hand he cupped her breast she closed her eyes, biting her lower lip and letting her head fall back her hips quickened.

     He watched her not wanting to miss any emotion that fleeted across her face. He saw her bite her lips with her eyes still closed, hip thrusting against him, his heart skipped a bit and he smiled, he put his hand behind her neck and pulled her down for a kiss.

      She kissed him back, she slowed and he took the lead trusting deeper every time until they both climaxed and she fell against him.

Both breathing heavily his eyes closed still reveling in the moment she lifted her head and kissed him on the forehead he opened his eyes and met her eyes. What felt like a minute passed then she kissed him again and rolled off him to his side.
       He wanted to know what she was thinking, but just he pulled her back and into his arms and let her rest her head on his chest.
Maeve fell asleep listening to his heart beat. Roy lay awake staring into space thinking about what just happened, he refused to go too deep as to think about the consequences. he would not ruin this for himself,
was all he muttered before sleep consumed his mind.

Roy felt someone stair beside him he woke to see a beautiful topless figure pressed against him. he let himself enjoy the view for a while before he slowly and quietly extracted himself from beside her. before he went into the shower he made a call to his lawyer asking him to send over confidentiality contacts as well as to get ready for a lawsuit incase this becomes a problem but he did not go into details as to what the problem may be.

        His conscience pricked at him after the phone call but the memory of last night had more power over his conscience. Roy was in the shower longer than he wanted, memories of the night before crept in slowly and threatened to consume his mind, her touch, the way her lips felt on him, the way she controlled the kiss, how she felt when he was inside her.

Throbbing and frustrated he rinsed off and got out of the shower. He got dressed and made a simple breakfast of scrambled egg and toast with coffee for two, she slept through it all. Roy came to the realization that he did not know the name of the woman in his bed, the woman who had the power over his mind and body after just one night was a stranger to him, a stranger whom he believes was drugged in his home.

       She might have come with one of his friends he thought but where they too drunk to leave without her, the questions plagued him, it then occurred to him that he had not used any protection.

He was in big shit, what was he thinking he cursed out loud continuously. He looked around empty beer cans and whisky bottles were still scattered on the floor, he started to clean up. He picked up a half full beer glass and there were lipstick markings on it, this was where he remembered her sitting yesterday. No matter how he thought about it, her behavior last night did not seem normal, normal in the sense of a drunk woman and he had seen a lot of them.

He was done cleaning up, his lawyer had stopped by dropping off the documents he had requested for and he handed him a trash bag with everything that was on the table from the night before, he had packaged and  sealed them properly, from the empty cans to used glasses to leftover food and drinks he then  asked for them to get it tested. He hoped it was not what he thought it was, but at the back of his mind he knew he was right.

A Night with the billionaireWhere stories live. Discover now