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excuse all mistakes!! vote and comment for another chapter today!

After lining her class up in a straight and single-filed line, Eryzo lead the way out of the, wooden, double doors to the carpool area. It was finally 3PM and not only was she ready for the weekend, but also her students. It was a three day weekend and she couldn't wait to relax.

For some reason, her students had been a little rebellious for the entire week. She had to take away their recess for three days because they wouldn't listen to her. She kinda blamed it on herself though, because, she had been lenient on them as far as discipline since the first day of school, and now they were comfortable.

She would never label her students as bad or horrible little human beings, they were just very talkative and some of them couldn't sit still for a long period of time. They were also still little kids at the end of the day and they weren't perfect. She had to remember that their attention span wouldn't last that long and she had to find more ways to keep them interested.

"Ms. Myers I go my sister." One of her students tapped her legs, pointing to his big sister.

"Okay sweetie, go ahead." She nodded. Some of her students had older siblings at the school and at dismissal time they were allowed to join them.

After watching him run to his sister, she instructed for all of her bus riders to connect hands. Most of her students were bus riders which meant that she had to remember all of their bus numbers. One thing she didn't play about was her students' safety. She checked their bookbags every morning to make sure she was up-to-date on all of their transportation information.

She dropped each student off at their designated bus and then jogged back over to her car riders. She only had about four car riders, including Kenarie. After grabbing her clipboard with her student pick-up list, she stood behind them skimming the parking lot for Serenity's car. It was her week with Kenarie which meant that she would be dropping and picking her up for the week.

"Ms. Myers, where my mommy?" Kenarie frowned, crossing her arms.

Eryzo chuckled, "Baby she's coming." This was an everyday question for her. Kenarie expected to see Serenity or Lennox's car front and center. She didn't like for them to be a minute late picking her up.

"Uh oh Narie with the attitude." Katia smirked, walking up to Eryzo, noticing Kenarie with a mug plastered on her face. Even the other teachers knew about Kenarie's personality.

"My mommy is late." Kenarie replied.

"Girl you just walked out here." Katia chuckled. "But that's how I was too."

Eryzo shook her head, pulling out her phone. She clicked on her recent message thread asking Serenity her whereabouts. While she waited for a response she waved at the other parents as her students got in the cars.

Ren 🩷🙈

Babe where are you?

Pulling in now mama

Just as she read the message, she looked up and saw Serenity pulling in. She tried to contain the smile that graced her face, because if she was lightskin it would definitely be a giveway.

"I'm gone be mad at mommy today." Kenarie mugged, turning her back towards Serenity. Serenity rolled her eyes at Kenarie's tantrum as she got out of the car. She already knew that her daughter was upset, but she was stuck in traffic which wasn't her fault.

"She's upset with you." Katia mentioned.

"Look at my face." Serenity pointed, showing a straight face. "I do not care, I can't control traffic Narie."

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