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next day...

Sighing softly, Serenity rested her head on the headrest of her seat as she approached a red light. She closed her eyes for a split second trying to gather any rest she could for the day. She barely got any sleep the night prior because she just had so much on her mind.

Before she picked up Kenarie last night, she dropped Eryzo off at home, making sure she was situated. She then went to the hospital to check on Lennox and Peighton for a couple of hours. Once those visitors hours were over she finally drove to her mom's house to pick up Kenarie. Thankfully Kenarie's night routine was already done, so she didn't have much to do.

"Mommy the light, go." Kenarie called out, snapping her mom from her thoughts.

After seeing the green light, Serenity's foot made contact with the gas pedal as they worked together to finish the drive to Kenarie's school. She was already ten minutes late, and it was the reason for her impatient attitude. One thing about Kenarie she hated being late to anything and she hated being picked up late.

"When you get out of school we gone do your project before I go to work, alright?"

"Yes ma'am. Can you have me food when I get fwom school?" Kenarie asked. Sometimes she was extra hungry after school and liked to have food waiting for her in the car. Usually it was Chick Fil-A or Wendy's. However when Lennox picked her up, he always had a small plate of whatever he cooked for his clients waiting for her.

After responding, it wasn't too much longer til they were pulling into the parking lot of the school. As she parked in the fire lane, she skimmed the teacher's lot for Eryzo's car. Once she spotted it, she exited her car and jogged around to help Kenarie out.

Eryzo expressed to Serenity that she had a bad gut feeling about today, but she couldn't exactly explain it. She didn't know if it was just stress or if she was being paranoid. Serenity tried to convince her to take the day off, but Eryzo didn't really like anyone else watching her class. 

Eryzo felt like substitutes as of now were just like the students. They didn't really care about actually doing their job, they just wanted a quick little pocket change. Plus, she had her kids on a strict routine and she didn't want it broken because of a little feeling she had.

"Hey my Narie baby." Katia smiled, as Kenarie and Serenity entered the front office.

"Hi. I need to swipe my card." She replied, squeezing her way between her and the desk to swipe the tardy monitor. After she swiped her name she waited for her tardy slip to print out before she turned around to her mom. "Bye mommy, I love you."

"What I told you bout that, never bye, it's see you later. I love you too, be good." Serenity responded, bending down to kiss Kenarie's cheek. She adjusted the bows in Kenarie's hair before sending her to her class.

After Serenity and Katia exchanged in small conversation, Serenity exited the building back to her car. She hopped back in, thinking about nothing but sleep. She was glad that she was caught up on all of her school assignments, so she was gonna use her spare time to sleep before she had to go to the club.

"Ms. Myers, I'm late." Kenarie announced to the entire class as she swung the door open, making her presence known.

"I see." Eryzo chuckled, taking the tardy slip. "We're just working on our spelling worksheets. Put your bookbag up and I'll come help you catch up."

Kenarie nodded, running to the back of the room to hang her jacket and bookbag on her assigned hook. She grabbed her pencil pouch and took her seat at her desk.

While Eryzo helped Kenarie and a few other students with their spelling homework, her phone was blowing up with threatening messages from an anonymous number. She rarely checked her phone throughout class because she really had no reason to, so her phone continued to buzz in her purse.

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