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Straykids, a internationally known boy group, had just finished their photoshoot of their 5 star album and was headed home. When they reached home, one member, Han Jisung, ran into the house and to his shared room with Hyunjin upstairs, he ran to the bathroom and started sobbing into his knees. He had held in these fallen tears for the entire photoshoot. Why? You may ask? Well, when he went to the staff to inform them that his shirt was too tight they just told him that he was getting chubby and needed to lose weight but Jisung had never had a weight problem he was by far the skinniest member of the group. His members also told him to go on a diet, he tried, all these comments were the reasons why he barely touched his food when eating, why he never ate snacks and why he always feel insecure of his body but there are hundred thousands of guys who wished they had his body. Like how could someone have abs while maintaining a tiny and slim waist at the same time.

After hearing the rude staff's reply, he just nodded and joined the rest of the group who overheard the staff and were whispering and pointing among themselves. He hated that his members who he held close to his heart would go against him instead with him. While having the photoshoot, the cameraman brought in some puppies to take pictures with when one of them accidentally bit Jisung's finger while trying to get a treat. Jisung looked at staff to see if anyone even bothered to help him but no one did anything but laugh at him, his members hurt him even more by commenting mean things to him like 'crybaby', 'be a man loser' and etc. He just wished that this photoshoot would over in a blink of an eye. 

When he cried in the bathroom no one knew, when he hurt himself no one knew and when he asked a question no one replied. 'Why must this happen to me? Why did they change from the loving people I knew to strangers and bullies? I miss the old them. The them who comforts me, help me, take care of me...' Jisung thought as he looked into the mirror, trying best to smile but it was hard to do it, it was painful. "Who am I to even think about these things? They probably hate me." Jisung changed into clothes before exiting the bathroom to lay down on his bed. 

"Yah! Han Jisung! Come down now!" He heard. He instantly knew it was his crush, Lee Minho but it hurt to see him so cold and rude to him while he was so kind and warm to the others.

"Coming." Jisung replied while opening the door.

He ran downstairs only to find the members cuddling together while he had to sit on a ground far away from the group. "Can-n I join you guys?" He asked quietly but instead of a ignore he got a scolding. " NO! SO GO AWAY OKAY?!" Jeongin lashed out as flipped Jisung off. Jisung just nodded and looked down there was a lot of tension. Chan spoke up, "Why not you buy us burgers?" Jisung immediately looked up and nodded eagerly before asking, " What kind of burgers do you guys want?". Hyunjin, who was annoyed, yelled, " Just get anything and leave us alone!" Jisung flinched before nodding slowly. When the food arrived, Minho was the first to check on it. "HAN JISUNG! WHY ARE ALL OF BURGERS THE SAME KIND!?" He shouted. Jisung was already exhausted from writing his new solo song 'Wish you back' and now he had to deal with his member's complaints about the food. Out of frustration, triedness and anger, Jisung finally snapped after holding it in for 3 years. Yep! You heard me right! They had been doing this for 3 fucking years...

"SHUT UP WILL YOU?!" Jisung snapped.

The whole house went silent before Felix went in to yell, "Yah! Han Jisung who do you think you are to snap at your hyung!?" Jisung clenched his fist and glared intensely at them before stomping upstairs to break down. He decided that he had enough with his members and was going to leave Straykids and probably fly back to Malaysia where his family stays. None of the members know this but Jisung's parents are one of the richest people in the world but he kept a secret feared of being judged. His mother was fashion model and actress while his dad was a multi- millionaire businessman while being the most popular actor in Asia. He also had a big brother who was a famous Instagram influencer with over 100mil followers. So Jisung's life was pretty much perfect, even thought Jisung's parents were rich, they were the nicest people you ever meet. Every year they would donate 10 mil to animal shelters and they were blessed to have Jisung and his brother, Jeno. Jisung missed his home where he could feel love, the love he  missed very much...

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