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Jeno and Sunwoo brought Jisung out to shop to lift his mood which worked very well. Now their quokka turned back to his bubbly childish self which his hyung's adore very much.

Back with the straykids members

"Yah, Han Jisung get out of your room you crybaby!" Hyunjin called. No response... he found it odd because Jisung always obeys the members no matter what they say so why was he disobeient? Hyunjin called for rest of the members and brought them to the shared room with Jisung. But when they went in, it was empty... no a single soul in the room that was when Minho spotted a letter in a red envelope and the only member who keeps those are Han Jisung. Cautious, Minho opened the letter and it read :
Dear Members,
Jyp hyung gave a 2 months hiatus to go malaysia. I am writing this letter to let yall know I might quit Straykids and either join Got7 or be a solosit. The way you guys treated me broke me, I wished you guys were back to the way it was where we were happy and always laughing... I know this would never happen but I am just giving some hope you know. Hah... Don't come finding for me...
- Han Jisung

After Minho read out the letter, he dropped to the ground sobbing as the other members followed him. They never knew they broke their quokka so much that he wanted to go back to Malaysia. Minho got up and went to his room, the members realised that he didn't close the door and when they entered his room none of them could speak. It was filled with tons of Jisung's photos with the members' having a cross on them and photos of Jisung doing his daily stuff. And they wers from a certain angle. When they squint their eyes a little, they could see Jisung topless and exposing his pretty collarbone. Bang Chan ran back to the room and took the tiny camera stuck onto the corner of the ceiling, "No wonder... Jisung kept telling that felt like he was being watched. I guess now we know who was watching. I want Minho to explain everything to me now." Chan said as he walked into Minho's room and closed the door. "So how long have you been obessessed with him?" Bangchan asked.
"Ever since I saw him."

"Then why are you so mean to him?"

"I don't know but it hurts every time to see him secretly cry... while all of us were having fun without him... I love him. No I am obsessed with him." Minho declared as got up.

Chan went out and Minho followed, Chan then announced, "Jisung might be leaving us soon if we don't change his mind when comes back. I am a bad leader... I let you guys hurt him while I just watch him every time it happens," Chan then pointed to Minho. "You and our Jisung were insepertable what happened? He was always there for you, he cared for you and when the whole group forgot Dori's birthday... Jisung was the only one who remembered and bought her a gift while the rest of us were out," Minho fell silent and looked down. "Changbin, we are really bad hyungs to let our maknae down by giving all of our work to him. He always told you how fit and strong you were when you were insecure about your body," Changbin tried not to let his tears fall as it was all true... "Hyunjin... Don't think I had forgotten about you. I know you and Jisung had a rocky start but things were getting so much better between the two of you. Why?" Hyunjin walked away silently. Chan then faced the three maknaes and started,"Felix... I am the most disappointed in you. You and Jisung were like glued together, twins and best friends... he told you your freckles were the most beautiful things on your face." Felix went and hug Changbin sobbing as he felt hia guilt he eating him whole. "Lastly, Seungmin and Jeongin... he adored you guys to death. When you guys were insecure of your smiles he comforted you guys and said that they were beautiful and I just let him down greatly..."

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