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"Okie, I am done packing!" Jisung cheered as he stretched after finally finish packing his big luggage. He knew that if he told the members their reaction wouldn't be good so he hid the luggage under his bed and was going to sleep when his phone suddenly rang. "Hello?"
"Hannie! How are you?"
Jisung's eyes widened when he heard the voice he missed for the last 3 years. "Eomma! I am good! How are you and Appa?" He asked happily.
"Your Appa and I are good when-"

"I AM COMING BACK TOMORROW!" Jisung interrupted.

"Wait... WHAT?! OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU! MAKE SURE YOU EAT, SLEEP AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF LOVE YOU! Bye!" His mom said with tons of excitement

"Bye~" Jisung replied.

Finally... Finally Jisung could get out of the place. Soon, night came and Jisung went to sleep. He was having a dream. A dream where things back to normal like they were 3 years ago...but sadly it is just a dream that silly dream can never come true right?

COUNTING STARS 특별의 별의 별의별의별-

Jisung's pov

4.30am. I looked at the time on my phone before looking around for a tall handsome guy but he was nowhere to be seen, I guess he went off the sleep with Jeongin again. Leaving me here, alone. I was about to go back to sleep when I suddenly remembered that I was going back to Malaysia again! I can't wait to see my family! I quickly got out of bed and went to freshen up. Once I was done, I took my favourite jacket and carried my luggage before running out of the house and called a taxi to go to the airport. After the long tiring I was about to finally get a good rest before meeting my hyung at the pick-Up point to go home.

After getting my luggage back, I spotted my hyung, Jeno, I quickly run towards him, embracing him tightly before breaking the hug and said, "I miss you hyung!". Jeno smiled and nodded before lifting me up as if I was as light as a feather and brought me to his car to drive us home. The car was filled with jokes, laughs and happiness. Something I missed after 3 years of loneliness. Before I could I could think more about my past with the members Jeno hyung called, "Sung we're home!" I looked around and missed my home. It was a 5 level mansion with tons of bedrooms, a garden, pool and a long ass drive way. I was excited most was when I saw my bestie, Kim Sunwoo, carrying my baby, Bbama, AHHHHHH! He still as cute as ever! I dropped all my bags and ran towards them hugging Bbama. "Yah! Where is my hug!" Sunwoo complained as he pouted. I laughed at his pout before letting to go of Bbama to hug him. I kissed his cheek as lifted me up by and waist and hug me. I missed the feeling of love so much! After the hugging session, Sunwoo and I cuddled with each other and he kissed my forehead. From the corner of my eye, I watched as my brother eyed me and Sunwoo laugh at each others' favourite experience of Bbama, feeling weirded out by my brother's stares I said, playfully "Hyung, stop staring at us I feel watched!" "I wish I could but I can't! Why did you kiss Sunwoo's cheek and why did he kiss your forehead when you guys aren't dating!" Sunwoo laughed at my Hyung's misunderstanding and continued, " Well, Jisung and I have been doing this since young! And you know how we became friends," Jeno shook his head. " I slapped his ass and asked to be friends and now we're so close." With that, Sunwoo pulled Jisung in his lap and held on his snatched waist. " I still can't get over your waist! It is so small!" Sunwoo complimented as massage the sides of it. 

Flashback of how Sunnie was created <3

"Han Jisung! Get your ass down here we got some guest!" Jisung heard his mother call.

"Coming eomma!" He said as he rushed down the stairs, curious of who the guest was. 

When he reached the ground, he met eyes with a boy around his age.  Jisung shot him a sweet smile and the boy blushed lightly as he returned the smile. "Hannie, this Mr and Mrs Kim and that is their son, Kim Sunwoo, they will over at our for lunch and dinner so I hope you can make friends, okay?" Jisung nodded and pulled Sunwoo to his room. When they were in the room, Sunwoo let his bubbly personality out and slapped Jisung's ass and said, "I like you, lets be friends!". Jisung accepted and their new journey continues together, whenever they go out other people will think that they were dating by how lovey dovey and close they were but they were just friends...best friends probably soulmates or siblings. At least that is what they call themselves. Jisung always dreamt of being a idol as he grew up, he had looks and talent so he had to leave for auditioning but he didn't want to leave his soulmate. Both shed lots of tears before bidding their good byes and promising not to forget to visit each other. When Jisung got accepted he immediately went to call his family in Malaysia about the good news, he and Sunwoo were inseparable but when their songs and concerts started gaining attention he and Sunwoo texted less frequently which kinda hurt Sunwoo but when he saw how happy his soulmate was his sadness disappeared and a big smile grew on his face.

Back to present day

It was currently 12 00, 14 September Hannie's birthday, Sunwoo and Jeno walked over to Jisung's room to find him sleeping? What? The Sungie they know would wait until 12 00 every birthday to celebrate their tradition which was wait till 12 00 and eat cake then a movie. But they were suspicious when Jisung was sleeping... Sunwoo gently shook Jisung and asked concerned, "Sungie why are you sleeping? You never for forget our tradition... Are you okay?" Jisung smiled and lied, "Ye I am was waiting for you guys but fell asleep accidentally." His hyungs laugh at him teasingly and brought out a classic cheesecake... Something he didn't have in 3 years cause the members would ignore him and act like it was a normal day while when it was Felix's, he gets a present mountain of expensive gifts. While Jisung stayed in his room because his members said he would just ruin their sunshine's special day, he didn't want to talked back and stayed in his room. Each member had a room and was opened to everyone but Minho was weird no one was allowed in his room nobody knows why...

As Jisung took one bite of his cake tears rolled his tears and he subconsciously said, "It has been so long since I had a cheesecake huh I guess I have been dieting so much I forgot how it tasted." Whispering the end but this didn't go unheard by his hyungs and both gave him a 'what do you mean look?'. Realising what he said, Jisung used his hands to cover his mouth but it was too late... The hyungs were towering over him, bombarding him with one question : 'What do you mean' Jisung panicked and chuckled but his facial expression gave it off and he sobbed uncontrollably. And when he calmed down he explained everything to them, "So after our debut everything was fine until 3 years ago when they started ignoring, blaming and scolding me for no reasons and wasn't my place to pry for information so I just nodded whenever they commented mean things about me and during a photoshoot I noticed that the shirt size was way too small and kinda choking me. So I informed the staff but they just called me chubby and  needed to lose weight but my members started insulting me and I just felt so humil-" Before Jisung could continue further, he was brought into a tight hug by Sunwoo and Jeno looked pissed I mean who wouldn't when he entrusted the members to take care of the boy but they did the opposite instead they broke their happy little quokka. They later found out that Jisung was here because he was given a hiatus after he barged into his boss's office. They knew what they were going to do next...

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