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In the shopping mall (with Jeno, Jisung and Sunwoo 5 weeks later)
"Hyungs! Look at his shirt!" Jisung shrieked as brought it close to his body. Sunwoo and Jeno smiled their quokka was back to its happy and cute self. But their smile soon dropped when they remembered about last nights event. This made their blood boil, they decided to have a revenge plan. They had a head start as Jeno knows that Minho has an obssession with his younger brother and it had 5 weeks since stays had heard from their favourite quokka and were very worried about the boy ever since their last post with Jisung he wasn't online anymore. "Lets give them a culture shock shall we?" Sunwoo asks Jeno who nodded while smirking like a devil. They had the perfect plan that would cause a lot of drama in the group. So firstly, Sunwoo would have Jisung on his lap and kiss his jeekies while Jeno takes a picture and posts it on his instagram account that way STAYS would be shocked and tag Straykids. Perfect revenge plan right?

With that, While Jisung was walking he felt hungry but decided not to tell his hyungs due to his past trama with the members where he asked Felix for a brownie he made but was rudely rejected and was called chubby. But Sunwoo and Jeno noticed the younger looking hungry and suddenly asked, "Sungie lets go and eat some food~". Upon hearing food, Jisung's eyes immediately lit up and nodded eagarly before being piggybacked by Sunwoo. Soon, Jisung noticed Sunwoo was a little tired and told him that he wanted to walk which the older nodded to and held his hand which did not go unoticed by Jeno but he didn't care he already knew Sunwoo liked Jisung since young and Jeno trust Sunwoo to keep their quokka happy and cheerful.

When they reached the cafe, they found and seat and ordered. When the waiter came and took their order he was oddly close to Jisung making feel uncomfortable which Sunwoo noticed and changed seat with Jisung. This made Jeno want Sunwoo and Jisung to date so badly unlike the other guy but he knew he had to be paitent for things to work out smoothly. After a long time of waiting, their food finally arrived and Jisung had already began storing his cheeks with the food making them big which was so cute and looked like a squirrel to his hyungs that Sunwoo decided to take a pic of Jisung eating away.


Having lunch with my cute quokka~ Maybe my future boyfriend~♡Liked by J

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Having lunch with my cute quokka~ Maybe my future boyfriend~♡
Liked by J.One, JEnOoo, EricSohn and others
Hanjimahbby : Aww Hannie looks so cute<3
Sunwoooo:) : Ikr he is my quokka♡
J.One : Hyung maybe we can date in the future?~ but for now I am taken :(
Sunwoooo:) : We will😘
Skz4eva : I was so worried abt our Hannie! Glad that he is happy! :)
Other 8,274 comments

After eating and chating the trio finally made their way home, when they reached home Jisung spotted a familiar figure. Tall, slim and drop dead goregous, he instantly knew who it was his boyfriend, Eric Sohn the most popular actor he knows other than his father, who got together with him before going to Korea. Jisung squealed like a teenage girl meeting her idol and ran to give him a big hug before pecking his cheek. "Baby! What are you doing here?" Jisung asked as his big doe eyes stare at Eric who found his boyfriend cute even though he was a little older by a few months, chuckled before noticing Jeno and Sunwoo glaring at him which gave him more confidence and carried him in a bridal way bring him to the living room to cuddle. Which made Jeno's and Sunwoo's blood boil only if he knew what Eric was doing behind his back...

~ So when Jisung left for Korea, Eric would bring home girls every night and fuck them. He got together with Jisung because at that time Jisung was naive and Eric took adventage of it using him for fame and money as more directors called him for their shows which business who booming and eventually leading him to be a worldwide known. Sunwoo and Jeno knows about what Eric has been doing but didn't want their quokka to be heartbroken again after what happened between him and the members. ~

With the Straykids members
"GUYS! GUYS! LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND!" Felix called as he ran to the practice room with his phone on instagram. He showed the members the picture of Han eating they cooed and squealed over him until Minho saw the handle... "That is not sung's handle its another guy's" He said coldly as he felt jealousy rush thru him in a blink of an eye. That was when the other members also realised that the comments had Jisung's handle, J.One, and decided to read them but it was the worst decision as when they were done. Minho punched the wall with his fist in anger, Jisung is taken? He thought over and over again. The other members' faces turn sour still couldn't believe that there was a guy chasing Jisung and another dating him? Will Jisung come back to them? Will he leave Straykids? Read the next chapters to find out....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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