Chapter One

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Warning: This story includes themes of abuse, drug use, drinking, prostitution, sexual assault, and violence. Please read with caution.

Every chapter involving these topics will have a warning. 

Like the last Dabi story, I changed up the canon plot for this story's plot. So some things wont match up to Dabi's history. 

This story is not intended for minors. 

Life has never been kind to you, but since when has life been known for being kind? You were promised a bright future just like everyone else, and yet like for so many others, things couldn't have gone worse for you. It started when you were high school at the age of seventeen. You had a lot of pressure put on you from the very start of your educational course. You were expected to be at the top of your class with perfect grades. You were to live up to your parent's standards that has been set for you from an early age. Your parents were both very wealthy and successful people, a stain on the family name would ruin their reputation.

You were to behave and preform perfectly without any exceptions.

Plenty of people admired you, envied you. You had lots of friends, you had money, you were fairly popular at school, and you had great looks to add to it all. And for being quirkless, well, everything else made up for it. Otherwise, you'd be treated like some sort of freak show. And aside from strict parents, your life was going pretty well.

That is until your family's business went bankrupt.

They were loosing money and fast. Their reputations ruined. All their hard work was for nothing. You could do nothing but watch as your parents grew more desperate, more hopeless and depressed. It was then, when your parents struggled to keep the lights on and put food on the table, that you decided to work harder. You would study harder to get into a good collage and find a job jut as successful and well paying as your parent's business. You'd be what brought your family back to the top.

But this would come with great sacrifice. Because you put more effort into your studies and schooling, you lost many of your friends. But you could live with that. You could always make more friends. But there was one friend that you had that never left you. He was you best friend, he stuck with you from the very beginning. He was popular too due to his family status, but he never cared about that. He didn't act like he was better than anyone else. He was just, himself. Kind, honest, caring. That was what drew you to him. He always made sure you were ok, that you were happy.

But one day, he didn't come to school for a while. You couldn't get into contact with him. Then you heard the news, and it crushed you. Your best friend, had died. Because of his family, news of his death was everywhere, it couldn't be hidden from the public. Though, one thing was kept private. And that was the cause of his death. Not knowing what happened only made you more upset. You would mourn for weeks. You had to stop thinking about it, or it would have driven you insane. So, you went back to pouring all of your attention into school.

Solely focusing on school work would take a toll on your mental health as well. You'd be staying up later at night, barely eating, only taking a break from your work to use the bathroom. And your parent didn't see a problem with this. If anything, they encouraged what you were doing.

You made them happy doing this. Fine. If that is what it takes, to keep some hope within them. You'd do it. But, more sacrifice would come from this.

Your grades began to suffer. Not sleeping resulted in you sleeping during class. You could barely pay any attention to the lessons without getting overwhelmed or exhausted. Mentally, and physically. Your parents did not like this. They began to lecture you, well, more like yell at you. Blaming your failing grades on you not putting in more effort. Not trying hard enough. Your mental health was near it's breaking point. And just when you thought things couldn't get any worse...

On your way home, walking from school, you noticed several police cars outside of your house. You were stopped by a police officer, telling you to stay back. Panic filled you, you told the officer that this was your home and desperately asked where your parents were. What your were told next, destroyed you.

Your parents had been murdered.

And things only got worse from there. You were forced into foster care. Your mental health worsened. Grades only getting worse. Eventually, you dropped out of school all together. It's not like you were present every day, you didn't pay attention in class. Your teachers would try to talk with you, but it never helped. The foster care you were placed in wasn't very good either. The children and teens were in the same or worse situations than you. So you could imagine that things were very lively. You couldn't get along with any of them. The adults weren't nice either, they wanted to get rid of as many of the children and teens as possible. They could care less about your well being or anyone else's.

You couldn't get a job anywhere. You were just...stuck.

Stuck in a terrible situation. With no way out.

When you turned eighteen you left foster care, you couldn't take being there anymore. You tried looking for work anywhere, but you were turned away every time. So, alone without any help. You were damned to live on the streets. But that would be short lived. One night, you were approached by a man. He was tall, good looking, friendly smile. You didn't pay much attention to him, you figured he might give you a little money like a few others who would pass you by. But instead, he talked with you.

"Hello." He started. "I'm sorry for approaching you out of nowhere but, I just couldn't ignore you." He says with a light chuckle. You still ignored him. Another creep, you assumed. You would see them sometimes. Weirdos on the streets cat calling you, making passes at you. "I must ask. How could someone as cute as you be on the streets? With no where to go?" He crouched down to your level. You looked up from your knees to face him finally. You were silent for a moment before speaking. "It's a long story." Was all you said. The man hummed as he nods his head. "Yes, that's the answer I usually get."

"Say, why don't I get you something to eat? You look hungry." You shook your head. "Not interested." You sure as hell weren't going to trust him. He really could be a creep. "I understand. You sit tight, I'll be right back." You looked back down as he walked away from you. About thirty minutes later, you began to drift off to sleep. It was then you heard the man again. You looked up, and saw him standing there with a take out bag in his hand. He sat it in front of you. "I didn't know what you would like. So I just got you a burger and fries." You stare at the bag for a moment. "You drugged it didn't you?" You mutter, causing the man to laugh. "No. I didn't." He moved to sit next to you.

You continued to stare at the bag for a little longer before you felt your stomach rumble. Since when was the last time you ate? You sighed deeply before opening the bag and grabbing the burger. You took a bite and waited. He was right, it wasn't drugged. So, you ate greedily. It was the best burger you've had. There was nothing but crumbs by the time you finished the meal off. The man next to you smiled. "Better?" He asks. You nod and wipe your mouth. "Thank you." You say under your breath. "Why though?"

"Because I hate to see a young lady on the streets all on her own." The man answers you. You look over at him. "I mean it. I want to help you. Here." He reaches into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and pen. He wrote his number on it before handing it to you. "I know you don't trust me yet. But if you need anything, you call me." He stands up. "Until we meet again." He says before walking away. You look at the paper before putting in your pocket. It had to be good to be true. Someone wanting to help you. You sigh before drifting off to sleep.

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