Chapter two

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The next morning, all I could think about was my appointment with Hank Hawkins; it was very exciting, but nerve racking at the same time.

I decided to get up early and go to the gym; maybe that will help to ease my anxiety. I really do like to exercise and stay in the best shape that I can; and exercising relaxes me and I just think better, about anything and everything. I go to a local gym here in Carlton Cove three-four days a week and do a regimen of cardio (treadmill) and weights, dumbbell's mostly (bench press and curls) and sit ups. Being single, 25 years old, 6'2" tall and 220 pounds, I get my share of looks from the ladies at the gym.

My mom has always told me that I was handsome, just like Dad; I guess that is another reason why I get so many glances from the women when I am exercising. I have always had big pectoral and bicep muscles; I also inherited that from my dad. I make a point not to socialize as I am there to work out, not find a date.

One of the fitness trainers at the gym, her name is Natalie Garrett, has made it her mission in life to try and assist me every time I go in to exercise. I politely tell her I am not interested, but she is relentless. She is probably in her early twenties and average in height and weight. She has shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes, good looking and in great shape. I speak to her as a courtesy, but that is all.

She keeps asking me to have coffee with her, but I decline. I am just too preoccupied with my writing and working in the bookstore to add a woman to my life right now. Not only that, I do not perceive a connection with her. I know it sounds absurd, but it's as if something were telling me to be patient; for what I have no idea.

After I got back from the gym, I took a quick shower, threw on some jeans, running shoes and a sun washed canvas buttoned-down short sleeve shirt. I then went downstairs and met Mom and Dad in the bookstore. It was almost 10:00 a.m. and I was as anxious as could be; Hank would be here any minute.

I think I was on my third cup of coffee from the Gamble Coffee & Tea and I felt like I was riding on a river of caffeine. "Mom, Dad, any last-minute advice?" I asked.

Mom put her hand on my shoulder. "Oh honey, just be yourself and everything will be fine. Just think of this as another step up the ladder of your dreams."

My mom; always sounding like an English teacher. Dad just gave me that guy look followed by a thumbs up sign.

I had not met Hank in person as everything to this point had been the one email when I sent him my manuscript and the one phone call when he contacted me yesterday. A few minutes later, the little bell on the door jingled; the front door opened and in walks a guy around thirty years old. He was a few inches shorter than me and maybe 180 pounds; and he also looked like he was in great shape. His arm and bicep muscles were not as big as mine, but I could tell they were toned and ripped. He was dressed in khaki slacks, running shoes and a Hawaiian style red and yellow short sleeve shirt complete with palm trees; and there was also a pandemonium of parrots, each one playing a musical instrument displayed on his Hawaiian shirt. He was a handsome guy and reminded me of Simon Baker. He was carrying a briefcase and hurriedly walked over to me.

"I'm Hank Hawkins, are you Jake Jarrett?"

I walked over and said yes, I was, and shook his hand. I was amazed at the firmness of his grip as he looked me right in the eye. Dad had always taught me to look someone right in the eye and firmly shake their hand. I immediately had respect for Hank.

"We need to talk," he said. "As I said yesterday, I want to publish your book. Is there some place we can discuss this?"

"We can go next door to the coffee shop." I paused and looked at my mom and dad. "Hank, I want you to meet my mom and dad, Will and Willa Jarrett." My mom and dad came over and introduced themselves and then they went back to their work.

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