Chapter Three

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Hank has been educating me the past few months with some of the marketing tools and ideas he uses for writers. Most of it was like a foreign language to me and I sure am glad he is in charge of that part of my books.

He told me about metadata, which is information that differentiates my book from the rest. He explained that metadata is basically data about data. To me, it sounds like a Zen riddle. He told me about the advantages of having a great book cover as well as great art designs. I immediately thought how nice it would be if I knew someone other than Hanks staff who could sketch and draw for my books. I thought that was strange for some reason and I had that nagging little thought in my head once again—be patient.

He told me about 3D video mockups to promote my eBook and hardcopy book. He also had said that he would start with the small press first to get the word out on my book. Then, the more successful my book becomes, the more the mainstream media would pay attention. He also said I need personal branding management, which means to let my fans know about me, the author. Having my own author website goes hand in hand with getting personal with my fans. I also need to blog so there will be discussions about my book from my fans. He said that I need to share with my readers about me and my book. He also said to always market what my book can do for my readers. Promote the benefits, and how it will make my readers feel, what they will learn and how wildly they will be entertained.

After learning all this from Hank over the past few months, I am glad that all I have to do is write. I really do not mind having my own website and doing that part as an author. I think getting personal with my fans will be a lot of fun—for me and for them.

When my eBooks went on sale over the summer, my mom had set up a corner of the bookstore dedicated to my new book. Hank had sent me a display board that Mom added to her corner. The large display had a picture of me and the display read THE TREEHOUSE CLUB CHRONICALS: THE MYSTERY OF THE CHRISTMAS GNOME. Below that was my name, Jake Jarrett. It felt surreal looking at that display. That really was me and my book. Simply incredible!

I could not help but think of the stories my mom had told me when I was growing up about fate. I wonder if there is any truth to her stories? Is fate influencing my life right now? I decided to ask mom and get her opinion. We had just closed the bookstore and walked over to have dinner at the Bistro.

"The hard copies of your book Hank had sent to us the first of September have already sold out," Mom said. "I am glad he is sending more soon."

I shook my head. "I am amazed they are selling so well. My dream of being a published author is really coming true, almost like fate." Mom gave Dad a stealthy look as I continued. "Mom, tell me again about how you and dad have always believed in fate."

"What do you mean Jake?"

"I remember you guys telling me stories about fate when I was growing up in Pullman. Do you really believe that fate has an influence on our lives?"

"Why do you ask?" she said.

"Well, with everything that has happened to me since I signed that contract with Hank, I was really wondering if maybe fate was working on me."

Mom and Dad looked at each other and smiled. "Jake, the definition of fate is the development of events beyond a person's control, which I do not totally agree with," Mom said.

"So, you believe fate can be controlled?" I asked.

"No, not controlled, but I think that fate can give you signs of multiple paths to follow."

"Signs?" I asked. "You mean like that Mel Gibson movie?"

Mom laughed. "No, not like that."

Dad continued where Mom left off. "Jake, we believe that fate gives us alternatives or choices as to what our path in life may be or how it is about to change. It is up to us to recognize them and decide whether to follow them or not; your mother is the real expert on this subject."

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