Carlton Cove

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Carlton Cove

Neil D. Klee

Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out all the wrong words.

-Mark Twain-

Jake always wanted to be a writer. He grew up in a household with parents who had PHD's in English Literature; and that only amplified his desire to write. After moving from Pullman, Washington to Carlton Cove, Washington, his world would be forever changed.

His life would be transformed by fate, or as he would later learn, The Three Fates. He would meet an eleven-year-old girl—with an amazing ability to sketch and draw...a wunderkind; and he would discover that some things in life are indeed predestined.

Jake had never been a big believer in destiny or providence, and he would soon come to realize his true purpose in life, as predestined by the Three Fates. He was also a non-believer in finding true love, or a heart's desire. He believed it was all just luck, or a roll of the dice when it came to relationships. He would find out that he was wrong.

Jake would also discover that his mother has an incredible gift of Intuitive and perceptive abilities that defy belief. He would also discover later that someone else in the family may also be developing the same amazing abilities as his mother.


There was a time in my life when I firmly believed that my decisions—and my decisions alone—directly affected the path I would follow; I always believed the journey was my choice. I never used to place any prominence to the idea of destiny, inevitability or providence.

I was wrong.

My parents have always believed that life has a natural order—that there is no such thing as a coincidence—and that events happen in life because they were meant to happen. As far back as I can remember my parents were always unyielding in their belief that three inherent elements are paramount in our lives: Fate, Faith and Family.

Fate is defined as a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a preordained future, whether in general, multiple people or of an individual.

Faith is our ability to believe that things will always work out for the best, even if fate decides to steer us down a different path.

Family they said was by far the most important; family gives us the courage, strength and love we need to navigate through the journey of our lives.

My parents do not completely agree with the definition of fate, especially my mom. They are convinced that there is more to fate. They believe fate is more likely connected to the Three Fates; more on that later.

My name is Jacob Jackson Jarrett, but I prefer Jake. I am a writer/author of MG books (middle grade ages 9-12), YT books (young teen ages 12-15) and YA books (young adults ages 14+). After I graduated from college, I wrote two books, which were promptly rejected by three different publicists. Not to be deterred, I wrote a third book, which was published when I was twenty-five years old. It's hard to believe that was fourteen years ago.

I would like to share with you a story of family and love and how fate—or the Three Fates— can steer you in a direction that defies logic and explanation. But it can sometimes turn out to be something truly special and magical; and even a little mysterious.

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