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"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'"
Mary Anne Radmacher

HAVING SOME little shenanigans pays at times. Because tell me how it would have been easy to get Haleemah's phone contact if I didn't play a bit.

Some things just needs you to go back and forth a bit. I had called Hajja with the initial plan of sending someone to help take care the snacks I got as deserts after dinner with the 'Aliyys and I thought of something. I could make a great use with telling her to share Haleemah's contact. Which she did.

But then there was no way I could call at random to introduce myself and then demand her presence at the same time so I called Hajja back to do the honors. She already thinks what she thinks and she's damn right.

And five minutes later, Haleemah 'Aliyy Kamal stepped outside in all her glory and I can't help but grin. It still gives me a giddy feeling.

Why's your guard up so high? I wanted to ask her when she greeted ever so curtly and directly asked to follow her so she can direct me inside. But that wasn't what I wanted.

She didn't even want to greet more than necessary.

"The name is Mujahid." I stated hoping for a reply and when it took a few seconds longer than necessary, I gave up.

But then I heard her voice answer barely above a whisper. "I know."

"In case you were wondering." The words slipped before I could think of anything interesting to say. I mean she looks like she wants to disappear as fast as she came.

"This is not our first meeting." She said matter-of-factly.

"But this is the first time we are talking." I stated with a smile now handing her the snacks. She seemed dazed a bit and I sensed trouble lurking around so I clarified. "For everyone, as desert."

But we both know I didn't call her out just to give deserts to the household of the 'Aliyys. A lot of other people are available anyway.

Maybe she understood the real reason I did what I did and maybe not, but she spared me a glance that lasted for at least a second before saying thanks and turning back to disappear behind the doors.

I followed suit.

Now as I sat on the edge of my bed, I wondered why I didn't act cooler than I did. And maybe that will keep me up all night.


"So, when is your girlfriend leaving?" Mrs Mikail asked during breakfast the next morning making me choke on the water I was drinking. Whose girlfriend?

This was the moment I realized why Abdulbasit always make fun of me because the term girlfriend being addressed to me shocked me more than anything else. So she was supposed to be one?

Mrs Mikail spots a teasing look and uncle Mikail eyed me clearly disapproving the attention I was getting from his wife. But I never asked, even though I will not throw it away.

"She still isn't your girlfriend yet." She stated.

I bowed suddenly finding the dish more alluring. The chips are so crispy.

"You should up your game, bachelor. Maybe prod your uncle for some advices."

"It's up to you to see that she's comfortable with you." Hajja looked from her pile of papers to chip in which is very much surprising. "I'm already on a serious discussion with Alhaji Aliyy. Things will have a direction soon."

I dropped my spoon incredulous at these two women in front of me. I never declared anything yet they've taken matters into their hands.

"You don't think I'll sit back and watch you two go back and forth like kids right?" She asked pining me down with her eyes daring to say otherwise.

"But Hajja, can you let her be comfortable with me first?" I asked tentatively knowing I wouldn't want to hide behind my family. But for some reasons, Hajja looked away.

"So you don't know when she's leaving?" Mrs Mikail asked again and this time around I had to ask since I had no idea. "Where is she going to?"

"To resume back to work in Abuja."

That was my cue to up my game because the look Mrs Mikail was spotting screamed warning. I don't know what having an elder sister feels like but she seem to be occupying the spot comfortably.

"Ok." I noted.

It took me five hours to finally be able to steer my car towards ATV Yola and another twenty minutes to drive there.  I held unto the envelope Mrs Mikail gave me before I left home firmly, it was my excuse for visiting.

Once I walked in, I made a beeline to say hi to the twins, or rather to Asma'. I just remembered what Alhussain did yesterday and I don't want to say Hi to him anymore.

After making sure I ignored Alhussain and greeted everyone, I made my way out to my destination. Courtesy to occasional visits over the years, I knew my way around. Or I have a sense of direction to my most important destination.

Either way I soon found myself knocking on Journalist Haleemah's office and entering on cue with a Salam. She looked up, quirked an eyebrow and sit back waiting for me to reach her desk.

"Sannu da aiki."

"What brings you here?" She asked.

I placed the envelope in front of her and drew a chair to sit. I'm not standing up until I have my answers. She reached for the envelope and opened it cautiously, an action that made me curious about what it contains.

When she unfolded the paper and turned it with a perplexed look and I realized the reason, I knew Mrs Mikail set me up.

The envelope contains an empty letter. Remind me why I liked her again.

Jumuah Mubarak

Allahumma aizzal islama wal muslimeen.


Sannu da aiki: Weldone. (This is the best translation I can think of as it is used in the context. It is to acknowledge all the effort that have been put into getting work done.)

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