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Taehyung found himself now sitting in his psychiatrists office. He had no recollection of what had happened the past few days due to spending it in his room crying away, and now completely zoned out.

"I see you've got new hair, it looks good on you." The woman in front of him complimented with a gentle smile, "How have you been since our last session?"

"Okay." Taehyung answered, staring down at the floor.

"We last spoke a bit about how you started developing these symptoms and then you did an assessment, do you remember?" She waited for Taehyung who gave a slight nod in response, "Like I said, I'd let you know this week. And, you scored very high on the assessment which means you have psychotic depression, how do you feel about it?"

Taehyung just shrugged, "Can you get rid of it?"

"Unfortunately no, but what we can do is reduce your episodes. Jeongguk mentioned that you have a list of triggers?" The woman asked, noticing the paper being held tightly in Taehyung's hand.

"Yes." He quietly spoke and placed it on the table.

"If we work our way to cope with these triggers it'll reduce your symptoms. I'll also start you on a mix of antidepressants and antipsychotics to help with your mood and hallucinations, but I'll also like to start you on cognitive behavioural therapy which will help you manage stress and your thoughts more." She wrote down, waiting for Taehyung to give a response or reaction.


"That means you'll be having therapy more frequently in a week, I'd like to refer you to a session of CBT a week, I still would like to see you but more frequently so that I can monitor your progress, is that okay?"

Taehyung just nodded, still staring at the floor.

The woman hummed and went silent for a bit, "We spoke a bit about your past last session, you expressed that it's something that really heavily affects you. Have you had anything similar to that since then? Or is it the same?"

"The same," Taehyung answered and slowly began to talk again, "I went to get a haircut yesterday with Jeongguk, I was really happy but then I... I don't know, I started having this bad flashback to when my cousin used to bully me and ruined my hair with scissors."

"Can you describe what the flashback was like?"

"It just felt so real, like I was there again. I could hear him screaming at me, it didn't feel like I was in the salon anymore." Taehyung explained, clutching onto his chair tightly.

Jeongguk removed his grip from the couch and rubbed his thighs stressfully instead. Usually, he was with Taehyung during his sessions or he was passing time on his phone while waiting, but this time he couldn't.

His mine was sick with thoughts about how badly Taehyung was treated growing up. He hadn't even heard the full story yet, but judging by his condition he could tell it only got worse.

Jeongguk wanted to do something to make Taehyung feel better, just to give him a moment of relief and longer than a day of peace. But, he knew it wouldn't take that little amount of time to become better.

He took out his phone, mind still thinking about what Taehyung had told him about his cousin. He hated the idea of someone so horrible becoming successful, and he couldn't help but want to see.

The first people he searched up was Taehyung's parents. He was aware that they were successful CEOs, so there was no doubt he'd find them.

They popped up fast, and a sad feeling settled inside of him when he saw that Taehyung wasn't mentioned in the biography where they usually write down the names of their children.

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