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this chap has. A suicide attempt and disturbing so if u want to skip just go to the end of the author note for a summary 🙏

Jeongguk immediately woke up when he felt Taehyung shuffle, something he had woken up to instantly multiple times during the night. Fortunately, Taehyung stayed in his arms and hadn't left to do anything that would leave him panicking.

This time, he couldn't go back to sleep. His eyes stayed on Taehyung's sleeping face, admiring how pretty and serene he looked when there wasn't something bothering him.

He doesn't deserve any of this. No one does. Jeongguk thought to himself, slowly placing an arm around Taehyung's waist. When he saw that the other didn't react, he pulled him closer and stared at his face.

The only reason Taehyung had managed to fall asleep throughout most of the night was thanks to his new medication which was sedating. He would've woken up at least four times within the night by now either from a nightmare or discomfort.

I can't believe his own cousin would do all this, and his parents don't even care? He deserves to suffer. Jeongguk clenched his jaw and merely turned away to reach for his phone.

He didn't know why he wanted to search up his name so bad, seeing his face and reading all his accomplishments only fuelled his anger.

Kim Minjung meeting fans, here are the details.

Jeongguk almost scoffed at that. The man deserved no fans, and it was infuriating that no one had any idea of how much of a horrible person he was.

Unless someone reveals it all? Jeongguk's eyes dropped down onto Taehyung. He knew that the boy would never even speak about what happened, or want so many people to know what happened. But, Jeongguk still wanted to see the downfall of that man without Taehyung getting hurt.

There should be a way to expose him without bringing Taehyung into this. Jeongguk fondly watched Taehyung squirm in his sleep and slowly sit up.

"Where are you going?" Jeongguk sat up too and placed his phone away.

"My head suddenly hurts." Taehyung croaked, rubbing his eyes to wake himself up.

"You haven't drank or eaten since yesterday because you went straight to sleep. Brush your teeth and I'll make you something." Jeongguk stood up and helped Taehyung out of bed.

"Can't I go myself?"

"You know you can't yet." Jeongguk softly answered and walked Taehyung back to his room which is where his toothbrush and everything was.

"But you need to brush your teeth too, just go while I do. I promise I won't do anything bad." Taehyung stood in front of the sink.

"You need to keep this door open then, and when I come back I'll have to check you, okay?" He raised his thick eyebrows at the other who slowly nodded, "Alright, I'll be back in five minutes."

"Okay." Taehyung watched him leave and picked up his toothbrush.

He didn't mind the fact Jeongguk had to monitor him every morning, it was only a hassle when he was in a bad mood and had urges to self harm. He knew he'd be breaking Jeongguk's trust, but he didn't care enough to do something about it. After all, he believed that Jeongguk would either give up on him or just leave once he was better.

Taehyung rinsed his mouth and washed his face. Once he was done, he glanced at the wide open door and hesitantly began to walk over. He placed his hand on the handle and slowly began to shut it, sighing when it clicked.

His back turned towards and his eyes began to search the sink. Anything sharp that was once there was now probably thrown away by Jeongguk. That frustrated him since all his mind was thinking about and wanted was a sharp object.

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