Issue 1

276 7 2

(3rd POV)

???: ah good your finally awake!

Y/d woke with a very hint of deja vu hearing that line

He opened his very tired and groggy eyes

He saw both what looked like a soldier and y/t, their hands restrained

Y/t: geez took you long to wake up you were out for hours...

Y/t stretched his arms as he yawned from being so drowsy

Y/d: look it's not my fault that this prison carriage is too uncomfortable...

He said cracking his neck in discomfort

???: oh now I recognize the both of you

Y/d & Y/t: hm?

???: you two were in that band of the falcon correct y'all were considered traitors of the empire of what your leader did...

Both of the boys rolled their eyes while looking at the man's armor

Then looked to their right and saw Ulfric tied up and gagged

Y/d: we could say the same thing about you and your leader...stormclock..

Y/d smirked mischievously

The man gave y/d the side eye

???: hmph show some respect-

Y/t: he was joking we both don't really care who wins this pointless civil war

Y/d: yea don't worry about it I was just playing ugh need something to past the tim-

Thief: damn you all...

Everyone turned to the person at the end of the carriage

Thief: if it wasn't for the both you band of the falcon and stormcloaks I would've stolen that horse and be halfway to the clover kingdom by now...

Y/t mind: like they would accept someone like you

???: we are all sisters and brothers in binds now thief...

Y/d: I guess you are right about that at least

Empire guard: hey shut up back there!!

Y/d: make me you Wo-

With one flick of what look like a button

Y/d felt his bindings tighten as his hands falls to the ground

Y/d: ow...

Y/t: should've shut your mouth when he told you too you idiot...


Y/t: I would but not as idiotic as you..

They both started to argue a bit

Thief: surrounded by idiots!

The thief turned his head not recognizing Ulfric

Thief: who is this guy?

???: watch your tone!!

Thief: wh-what?!

Y/t: huh oh that's ulfric the leader of the rebellion

???: and the true high King of us all!!

The sudden realization of their situation hit the thief like a truck

Thief: w-wait if he's with us th-then that means oh gods...

Y/d: yep we are about to be executed big guy!

He said it with an almost uncaring but relaxed tone

Y/t: honestly I thought that was obvious..

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