Issue 2

207 5 13

(3rd Pov)

Long ago in a distant realm a council of cosmic beings from different pantheons and backgrounds gathered to discuss a of great importance

The leaders of said backgrounds sat down in their chairs ready to talk business

However, Odin noticed that one of the seats was empty

Odin: So is Marika not attending this meeting?

Cetrion: She is one of the reasons we are here to discuss...

Odin looked confused by the elder goddess cetrion's words

Odin: Huh I don't seem understand

Phantom stranger: Queen Marika of the lands in between has shattered the Elden ring and has disappeared

This revelation shocked some of the gods

They were confused why Marika a devoted follower of the greater will would turn her back on it so mysteriously

Highfather: Not only has the realm of the lands in between are in war removing the greater will from our side however a much bigger threat has emerged as well

Zeus: Ah this world-eater Alduin the son of AKA, correct?

The wizard nodded

The wizard: Indeed, it seems he decided to take advantage of the sudden discourse and try to turn the omniverse in his image taking and destroying anything that oppose him..

Zeus: and why haven't the aedra helped us in anyway?!

Ganthet: The aedra are a very mysterious group of gods unlike the daedra they don't interfere with affairs now adays unless it gets to the point which the only thing to do is to react

Zeus: So, they are biding their time hm of course they are...

Cetrion: Now now we shouldn't be hasty about these things I'm sure in due time they will help us on this matter

She turned to the spectre

Cetrion: Spectre do you see anything in the near future?

Surprisingly he shakes his head in disappointed

The spectre: Sadly, I cannot...

Odin: What do you mean you can't?

The spectre: For some odd reason I can't see any future events to come..

The wizard: Neither can I

Zeus: What do the two of you mean by the both of you can't see the future?

The spectre: For some odd and mystical reason I cannot see the future I only see nothing but alduin's rampage

Cetrion: Thats...unsettling...

Ganthet: We don't have a way to see possible future events

The spectre: Correct

Ganthet: what you are saying is....

The spectre: We must rely on fate from now on

The phantom stranger: It seems so

The cosmic beings sat there not knowing what the future might bring

Meanwhile in the future Alduin's attack on Helgen

Y/d at the last minute was able to quickly grab y/t and immediately drop to the ground nearly missing Alduin's giant fire blast

Which in horror scorches the remaining prisoners in the tower, next to them

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