hang in there, man!

21 2 0

As I walk into the building I collected a phone that was displayed on a small circular white table.
I walk into the lobby to see around 20 other players. I caught the attention of a group of 7 people around my age, and the rest of the players looked to be in there late 20s or even there 30s.
I stood leaning against a wall with my hood up, when the group of 7 aproched me.

Owen:  "Hey, my name is Owen, Nice to meet you"

He reached his hand out for what I assumed a handshake. I responded with a blank expression and he slowly retreated his hand.

Basically they went on about how they were gathering up players close to there age group, because we are 'simular' or something like that. They continued rambling about there group and how they wanted me to join.
There were 7 members so far, owen- male 20, haruto-male 19, alec-male 20, Angelina-fem 19, lila-fem 18, yuki-fem 18 and lastly kogomi-male 21.
after there introduction episode, I responded once again with a blank expression, hoping they would get the hint and buzz off... and they didn't...
Owen spoke up again.
Owen:  "soooo~.. uhhh.. do you want to.. join us?"
He asked me as if my eyes weren't trying to burn right through him.
I responded in my normal monotoned voice, wich obviously threw them off.

Yuki:  "Huh? Did you say no? I really thought he would say yes..."

She said the last part quietly, had nobody ever told this group 'no' or something?
Just as some of the members started to protest my answer one of the members suddenly moved closer to me pulling my hood down and gently pushing me away from the wall. Wich I tried my best not to look offended by his sudden action.. he continued-

kogomi:  "there we go, now we can see you. You look around... 18?"

I was somwhat surprised he got it right.

Kogomi:  "I know you said no, but in this world of chaos you need all the help you can get! And I personally wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to someone I could have helped.. wich is why I formed this group- to help! So you will be sticking with us this game alright? Welcome to the team!"

He said with confidence, so now I didn't even have a choice? What the hell was wrong with this guy...

A bell rang inturuping my thoughts, and the fimilure female AI voice was heard shortly after.

"Registration, now closed."

A bell rang again, and the screen showed the 7 of Dimonds, I smirked knowing Dimonds were my specialty.
The voice continued:

"Game, hangman. Participants will each have a rope carefully wrapped around there body, holding them 300 feet in the air. Each player will be supplied a tablet that will be attached to the remaining rope that is not around the players body. Each round will be 10 minutes, where players will be held up in the air and answer a series of questions on there assigned tablets. When playing, you are given 3 questions to answer correctly in 10 minutes. If a question is unanswered at the end of the timer or answered incorrectly, it is game over. Surviving players will be safely transferred back to ground where they are free to do as they please, violence is not prohibited during break, Only during game.
there is a unlimited food supply in the cafeteria.
The game will now commence"

A bell rang again and the voice was gone

What an interesting game. I thought to myself, but once again my thoughts were inturuped..

Kogomi: "Alright, everyone come with me please"

He said taking hold of my hand knowing I wouldn't come willingly, the others followed him as if he was there primary teacher... it was disgusting, and honestly, I hated how comfortable he was with me already..

He led the group to the cafeteria and we all sat at one of the many rectangular tables.

Kogomi:  "Alright, since we're in this game together, let's go around and say our names, age and what we did before all 'this' happened...."

He said with a kind smile... disgusting.
I couldn't shake the thought that I he treated everyone like he was a teacher and we were preschool students or something..

Kogomi:  "I'll go first, my name is kogomi, I am 21, and before all 'this' I was a teacher!"

Well would you look at that.. 1 chishiya, 0 kogomi... I thought to myself.
They went around introducing themselves... again.

Owen:  "My name is owen, I am 20 years old! And I was a student before all this"

Haruto:  "haruto, I am 19. I worked part time in a convenient store before all this"

God.. how long would this continue?.. I thought

Alec:  "Im alec, 20 years old. And I was a boxer.."

Angelina:  "Angelina is my name! I am 19, and I am a student"

Lila:  "lila.. 18, and.. I'm a model"

Yuki:  "And im yuki! Im 18 years old and I'm a makeup artist"

Finally the last one of them finished, before I felt somone poking my side.
I glare up at them and they signal me.. did they want me to go or something?

"I'm chishiya"

I said bluntly and left it at that.
The group looked confused but kogomi settled them down like dogs.

Only half an hour of the hour break went by when the group got bored.. nobody was talking now, until kogomi speaks up again.

Kogomi:  "so how had everyone's day been so far?"

He asked nervously.
Absolutely not, I'm out of here. I thought to myself getting up to leave.. but just my luck.. kogomi grabbed my arm and sat me back down, was I a dog now like them?

It was a long and painful 30 minutes of listening to the group rant before I heard a bell ring, indicating it was time for the first round. I was never so glad to go jump into deaths arms like I was now. I quickly got up and went to the area without giving kogomi enough time to grab me first- and I was free.
I get to the ropes and find the one next to the sign with my name.. I step into the already tied rope and slide it up and over my shoulders, it was like a zip line harness.
Eventually the rest of the players arrived and did the same at there names.
And once everyone was in.. the ropes slowly Start bringing us up.

My hand hurts!! 😭
But anyway I hope you enjoyed, I'm sorry if it's confusing.
Also you can probably tell but I added my own small twist to chishiya and his personality and thoughts... but just a little!!

(1151 words)

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