hang in there, man! (part 2)

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-Eventually the rest of the players arrived and did the same at there names.
And once everyone was in.. the ropes slowly Start bringing us up.-

As the ropes bring the players up, I glance around.
Many people look nervous and some were already crying! The rest looked calm, probably not knowing what to expect...
That's when my eyes landed on kogomi, who was staring at me smiling. What the hell was his problem?
I thought to myself as we reached 200 feet. I look down at the ground as we keep going up, if it were just me and these rope-things were more comfortable.. I honestly would enjoy being up here.

Kogomi keep looking at me from across the room.. for some reason I felt myself hating this guy, he was so obviously fake. From his personality and the way he talked.. it was all fake and it angered me even more how easily he could manipulate his 'team' into thinking everything was OK. And he would 'protect them'.

The players reach 300 feet, our final destination.
The tablet hanging by my side suddenly lights up, and I pull it up to me so I can hold it and obviously answer the questions.

Question 1: I am so fragile, that even saying my name will break me. What am I?

.... so it's a riddles game, so simple. I though as I put my answer.
I saw some people look around panicking... did they seriously not know?
One of the players shouted out the answer for the others. And they entered it into there tables.

Answer: silence

The table said as the screen glowed green.. everyone finished the first question correctly because of-... actually  you know who... kogomi. He was starting to get on my nerves, wich is extremely rare for me.. who the hell was he?

The tables lit up again, showing another question.

Question 2: If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me anymore. What am i?

Once again I quickly entered my answer into the tablet, I look over to kogomi to see how long it will take him to solve it and blurt it out to the rest of the players.
It took him a minute, but he eventually got it.

Kogomi:  "the answer is a secret!"

He said confidently
Everyone typed that answer into there tablets and when the timer was up all the tablets glowed green again.

Answer:  secret

The tablet lit up again, revealing a new question..

Question 3:  A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 months. Which room is safest for him?

This question is longer than the rest so far... meaning these riddles will get harder to solve the more we play.. luckily we only had to do this for a week before we could leave...
I type my answer and catch some glares from some confused players... idiots.

Kogomi:  "the answer is.....uhhh the answer is the lion!"

He said hesitantly. One of the older female players started panicking

"I already choose the fire!! What do I do it won't let me take it back!"

She panics as the timer hits 0
I here a snap before I look back at the panicking player as her rope starts to sway around, then it drops her.
Her screems grew quiet-ish as she went down farther. Then a SPLAT was heard.


The ropes slowly and gently start lowering the surviving players down to the ground. When we arrive there was a blood stain on the floor, but no body. Meaning someone who was not playing with us moved it.. somone behind the scenes.
I see players sob as they look at the blood, they act as if they never saw blood before..
I sigh before turning to go do my own thing.
I find myself in the cafeteria once again, there weren't to many things to do here... but there snacks were good, I'll give them that. They also had bedrooms here for the hours we wouldn't be playing the game. We were allowed to sleep 10pm-8am, before having an hour to dress and eat before playing the game at 9am.
Round and more round go, so far everyone EXEPT kogomis group was dead... just my luck.

It was now day 5 of this game, only 2 more days... I wonder how kuinas doing?.. she's gonna kill me when I get back, obviously.. normally games didn't last this long. Mabey she thinks I'm dead?.. yeah she's gonna be so mad at me..
I noticed somone in the distance aprocing me.. kogomi

"What do you want?"

I asked coldly as soon as he was close enough to hear me.
He continued getting close to me utill he was almost touching me.. wich made me a bit uncomfortable, I never liked the feel of somones touch in general, let alone a complete stranger. I backed up to create space between us.. yet he followed right with me, closing the gap between us once again..

Kogomi:  "why are you backing away? Am I making you uncomfortable?"

He asked in his normal tone, but with a hint of sarcasm.. he was messing with me, I knew it. I always had the off feeling about him and now it was all coming together...

"You ever heard of something called 'personal space'?"

I asked sarcastically and he laughed, before pushing me against the wall I was already leaning on.

Kogomi:  "That's not what you should be asking right now, chishiya, my friend"

He said with a blank expression staring me dead in the eyes, holding me against the wall. He seemed mad but how was that my problem?
He leaned in closer and whispered in my ear.

Kogomi:  "you should have more respect for those older than you, chishiya. I have worked so hard to create my group yet you look at us as if we are some type of disease. And it's making my group question me and my decisions, so I've come to put an end to it."


WAAAAAA I feel this chapter was rushed and really bad but hey! Oh well 😔 I can't wait to wright the next chapter but like- it's 4am rn so I gotta sleep 💀 anyway thanks for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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