Chapter 11, Stolen lover

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(Beelzebub POV)

I was laying in bed waiting for my love to return, but hours went by, and nothing happened. (Y/n) is still out there, and I'm worried about him getting himself killed.

Beelzebub: Please reply to me (y/n), I've texted you so many times. I miss you

I curled up in a ball while rubbing my belly to comfort myself, but nothing worked. So I got out of bed to make a smoothie, but when I walked halfway into the living room. I heard a gun click, and I turned to see who made that sound. Their was somebody sitting on the couch.

???: Look who we have here

Beelzebub: Who are you

Henry: I'm Henry, you must be (y/n)s lover, yes?

Beelzebub: Get out of my house freak

Henry: Is that how you treat guests?

Beelzebub: (Y/n) told me all about you

Henry: I'm flattered, I never thought (y/n) would talk about me. After all, I did beat him senseless in high school

Beelzebub: You're an asshole. That's what you are

Henry: Excuse me slut? I'm not an asshole, I'm a dick. Huge difference

Beelzebub: Asshole suits you best

Henry jumped off the couch and tackled me on the ground face up. He stopped when he saw my stomach, creep

Henry: You're pregnant, aren't you

Beelzebub: Yes, get the fuck off me

Henry: I may be bad, but I'm not that evil. An unborn child is something I can never kill nor hurt, I'm a decent person

Henry grabs some rope and ties my hand and legs, but he also puts a piece of cloth in my mouth and ties it at the back of my head. I was beyond angry, I was having my life flashing before my eyes, but that was cut sort by this dickhead.

Henry: I'm sorry to do this, but this brings me closer to kill (y/n)

Beelzebub: *muffled noises*

Henry: That's right, I put that cloth in your mouth so you wouldn't yell or scream. Enough games, let's take you to the boss

I began to struggle and wiggle while being dragged, but that didn't work, and I was placed in the back of a van, and Henry buckled me.

Henry: Don't want you to roll around back here while you are pregnant. Let's begin our drive, shall we?

Henry closed the door and hopped in the driver's seat, and drove off with me.
All I can think is "Please, (y/n). Save me, please. I love you so much."

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