Chapter 14, Trapped

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(3rd person POV)

Beelzebub couldn't believe her eyes, not only did (y/n) suffer the samething that Malick did to him, but Stella just ate Jeremy. She thought this was a nightmare that she won't wake from.

Beelzebub: You bastards

Henry: What? Is that too far. Or letting Stella eat Jeremy too far?


Stella: Hush now, my dear Jeremy. You need to be taught a lesson for running away from me~

Dusty: You guys are way worse than Malick

Henry: I'll take that as a compliment

Dave: That's an understatement

Dusty: It's true, though

Lucy: My brother is right

Ellen: Shut up, shut up all of you

Beelzebub: Why are you doing this? We did nothing

Ellen: Wrong, (y/n) killed my father. Now I'm going to take something he loves

Dusty: Who?

Ellen: I'm going to rip apart Beelzebub and Jeremy

Stella: HA, no way you're putting your hands on my boyfriend


Stella: I said hush Jeremy~

Ellen: If he's your boyfriend, then why is he in your belly

Stella: He ran away from me even when I stated his punishment was going down in my stomach

Ellen: He's dead then

Stella: I'm magic you dumbass, I put a spell inside me allowing Jeremy to not get digested

Beelzebub: I'm so sorry for you Jeremy

Jeremy: When I see (y/n) again, I'm going to slap him for pulling me in this mess

Beelzebub: I'll allow it

Ellen: Enough games, time to die. Beelzebub

Henry: Wait

Ellen: What is it, babe?

Henry: As much as I want you to kill Beelzebub. She has a baby inside her

Ellen: So?

Henry: It's an unborn baby for fucksake

Ellen: Why do you care?

Henry: I may be evil, but this is way too far

Ellen, I guess you're right. Your lucky princess. I'll have to kill his mother

Henry: Now that's more like it

Ellen: Stella, watch over the place while Henry and I go kill (y/n)s mother

Stella: Can do, Ellen

Henry and Ellen went off in a portal to find (y/n)s mother so he knows what it feels like to lose someone he loves as much as Beelzebub.

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