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Advik walks down the dimly lit corridor of an enigmatic building, his footsteps echoing softly. He glances around, feeling a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. His phone buzzes with a message from the mysterious figure he had met earlier, instructing him to proceed.

As Advik advances further into the labyrinthine hallway, he can't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over him. The walls seem to close in, and the air grows heavy with anticipation. He wonders how he ended up in this peculiar situation, and why these enigmatic individuals have taken an interest in him.

The message on his phone offers no answers, only cryptic instructions to keep moving forward. He can't shake the feeling that he's being led into the heart of a mystery that defies logic.

With each step, Advik's mind races with questions. Who are these people? What do they want from him? And most importantly, how is any of this connected to the strange events that have unfolded in his life recently?
The corridor seems to stretch on endlessly, shrouded in an eerie silence broken only by Advik's echoing footsteps. He checks his phone again, hoping for some guidance, but the screen remains blank.

Finally, Advik reaches a door.

Advik steps through the enigmatic door and enters a room that feels like a surreal blend of academia and the unknown. The atmosphere is tinged with an aura of anticipation, much like a student entering an examination hall for a critical viva.

In the center of the room, a single chair awaits Advik's presence. It stands as a solitary island in a sea of intrigue. Advik takes his seat, feeling the weight of the moment pressing upon him.

Before him, four enigmatic figures are seated behind a long table. The room is dimly lit, casting shadows that dance across their features, leaving much concealed in the obscurity.

Each of these individuals exudes an air of profound mystery, their expressions unreadable. They sit in silence, their gazes locked onto Advik, as if ready to scrutinize every word and action he takes.

The room itself seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy, as though it is a place where the boundaries between reality and the unknown blur. Advik can't help but wonder what kind of examination, both intellectual and metaphysical, he's about to face.

As he waits in this enigmatic chamber, a myriad of questions swirl in his mind, but the answers remain just out of reach. He takes a steadying breath, preparing himself for the unknown journey that lies ahead.

The room seems to hold its breath as Advik's patience wanes, and he erupts with a barrage of questions. His outburst reverberates through the chamber, echoing his frustration and confusion.

ADVIK: (outburst) What is happening? Who are all of you? Why am I here?

The four mysterious figures remain composed, their expressions unchanging. Their eyes, pools of enigma, remain fixed on Advik as if they expected this outburst. After a moment of heavy silence, the one seated at the center, a figure who exudes an air of authority, decides to respond.

MYSTERIOUS FIGURE 1: (calmly) Your questions are valid, Advik. But to comprehend the present, we must journey back to the very beginning.

The room's atmosphere takes on a surreal quality as if time itself has slowed, and the figures' voices become a mesmerizing chant leading Advik into the past.

The surroundings morph, and suddenly, Advik finds himself transported to a vivid scene from the year 2000. A bright night sky is illuminated by countless lights and fireworks, painting a picture of joy and celebration. But this jubilation is soon marred by a dark descent from the heavens.

Eerie creatures, like shadows given life, fall from the sky, their presence casting a sinister pall over the festivities. Panic grips the people below as these entities begin their ominous descent.

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