1 - Disturbances

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Mr. Scamander walked into the room. I looked to him in fear as he did so.

"Hey, hey, Lia. It's alright." He tried to make me believe he wasn't a danger, but I wasn't certain I could trust him. I chose not to speak as he knelt down to my level. He had given me a home, a bed, a nice life, but something inside me told me I wasn't safe. "Would you like something to eat?"

I nodded, before standing up. I walked over to the piece of parchment full of words I had previously wanted to express to him and wrote: 'Yes please, Mr. Scamander.'

Mr. Scamander gave me a smile, which I gave back to him. I was still cautious, but I started to feel a little bit secure with him.

"Alright, then. I'll go and make you something. A sandwich?" I nodded, before sitting down again and bringing my knees up to my face, which I buried in my body, full of fear. 

Mr. Scamamder looked at me with either confusion or concern, I couldn't tell which. "Lia, little one, are you okay?"

My eyes widened as I nodded and lifted my head to meet his own soothing, peaceful, gentle, pale blue eyes. "Uh, yes, Mr. Scamander."

Mr. Scamander, unfortunately, wasn't as easily convinced as I wanted him to be. Or maybe... maybe I did want him to know I was lying. "Are you sure?" He asked.

I held my legs closer to my chest as I curled tighter in a ball, my head peering out at the man. "I-I'm okay..." I lied.

Mr. Scamander gave me a look that was either disappointed or full of pity. Or both. "Little Lia, I have a slight feeling inside me that you're not quite telling me the truth..."

I felt a sudden liking emerge for Mr. Scamander. He didn't tell me off cruelly, or worse, hurt me, when I lied to him. His voice was still calm and soft... it was comforting, even though he was probably disappointed at me for outright lying, twice. When I didn't say anything, he prompted me with a soft, low hum of his voice. "Hmm?"

"Mr. Scamander, sir, I'm scared..." I whispered hoarsely, before wiping a tear from my face. I didn't want to appear weak in front of this man, but I couldn't help it. Besides, he was kind. 

My mind cleared of all negative thoughts as Mr. Scamander hugged me gently. He was warm. He was very warm, and he felt like a fire, lighting me up with kindness and happiness and warmth and comfort as he wrapped his arms around me, rubbing my back gently and slowly, and stroking my hair. "Lia, it's okay, I promise you. You're safe. I'll protect you, little one."

I cried into his chest as I clung onto him. "I'm sorry, Mr. Scamander..."

Mr. Scamander released me and held me gently by the shoulders. "Little Lia, you don't have to apologize for anything whatsoever, okay? You're not to blame for anything. Hmm?"

I nodded and looked into his calm eyes again. "Okay, Mr. Scamander."

He was about to leave the room, when he turned back to me. "Oh, and you can call me Newt, if you would like to."

I scribbled something down and showed it to him. 'N-e-w-t. Newt. Got it.'

He gave me a little smile, before walking out of the room.

I woke up with a start. The room bathed in the soft glow of dawn. It was very early morning, my guess. Newt sat at the edge of my bed, concern etched into the lines of his face like a careful sketch, a fatherly gaze.

"Lia, are you okay?" He asked, worry lacing his voice. "You were shouting out. I had to put a silencing charm on your room so the kids wouldn't wake up."

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