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Can't Stop The Feeling | Justin Timberlake

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They both didn't return for a while. A few minutes later, I grab a solo cup from the tabletop and walk over to the backyard. The backyard was spacious and peaceful. No one was outside and it was only me enjoying my silent reverie. 

The door opens as someone comes out, their footsteps calm and almost creepy at how low they are. I don't bother turning around for whomever it was.

They walk to me, occupying the empty grass beside me. I look to the side as the scent hits me again.

How does he always smell so good?

" I don't like him," he tells me as if we were continuing a previous conversation.

"You don't like who?" I ask him, confused at his sudden revelation.

"Your little boyfriend." He informs, his eyes connecting with mine. 

His dark locks fell wavy on his head, the hair ends open and his grey eyes scanned my face for something I couldn't decipher.

"He's not my boyfriend," I tell him, breaking the eye contact.

"Nevertheless, I don't like him." He shrugs, this time a small smile replacing the frown on his lips.

"Good for you. Must be amazing, having the ability to dislike everyone and be disliked by them." I say, bored with the topic.

He shrugs at that statement and shakes his head. "I guess that I'm a bad person then. Don't you think so?"

Where was this conversation even heading?

"I'm not the judge of that. You need to ask someone, who knows who you really are." I confide.

"And, you don't know who I am?" He asks me, quirking a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"I don't know, Azrael." I shrug. "You're not the same person anymore."

"Do you- do you feel like I'm unbearable?" He suddenly questions, hesitance clear in his tone.

"You were." I honestly tell him. " You even pushed me into lockers, Azrael. You ate my food from my tray. You were quite the bipolar person. You still are."

His lips form an amused smile as he smiles sadly. "I guess I really am the bad guy here." His hands find the railing as he runs his slender fingers along them.

A shiver passes down my spine as I watch him stroke the fence.

I only shrug, not knowing what to say to his previous assertion.

"Why the sudden question, anyway?" I ask him, changing the topic.

His head hangs low as he puts his elbows on the railing and leans on to it. "I don't know, Lani. I- It's just hard sometimes. you know, when you can't- leave it." He abrptly stops.

"Azrael..." I daintly say, my voice barely more than a whisper. His head turns towards me and his eyes lift to mine, holding them in place.

I could never read Azrael's emotions. It was something I never really paid attention to. But right now, I had to blame the lighting around us for sparking the curiosity in me, for making me curios about his emotions.

Suddenly, he snaps his head away, breaking out of whatever trance he was and shakes his head, unconvincingly.

"Look-I don't know. I have a hunch that I'm not in the right state of my mind right now." His posture straightens as his gaze turns firm. "I need to talk to you."

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