Twenty Two

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I just got fucked by a God.

There was no doubt in my mind that I was in heaven. Even if Hades was adamant that it was his lands, that it was the Underworld. This was fucking Heaven.

I'd never been fucked so primal-like. Running from Hades and seeing his animalistic side take over made my toes tingle with a need to do it again.

And again. And again.

Fear was still cursing through my veins, egging me on to follow the devil on my shoulder to lead me to more pleasure in Heaven.

Even if I was ignoring him, I felt Hades' presence behind it. His aura of masculinity, of dominance, was a cage that refused to release me as he stayed just a couple feet behind me. I led the way, looking around the forest until we found a trail. I had no idea where I was headed and he wasn't directing so I took the reins until he grumbled, "This way, Nix."

I finally turned, wishing I hadn't. His eyes were as dark as the midnight sky with not a star hiding in them. Void of emotion but filled with an unknown power. He stared me down, making it known he was in charge.

Or trying to make it known.

"I don't know who Nix is." I argued, continuing my way down the path I set out for instead of the one he, oh so badly, wanted me to take.

"You are Nix. You've always been Nix." Hades repeated, as if he couldn't understand my reluctance to just fall into line beside him.

"If I'm Nix, you're Zeus." I paused, taking my next step carefully, "If you're real, he's real too, yes?"

Hades growled, "Unfortunately."

I nodded, refusing to look back at him again. Especially after hearing that erotic rumble in his chest just a moment ago that sent a zing through me. My toes curled, my stomach filled with a flutter that wouldn't even calm when I gently cradled it in my hand

"You're going towards town, Nix." Hades mumbled in warning.

"Oh good. I can find my next creature to fuck."

His hand was wrapped around my arm in one swift motion before he was tugging me against his built chest. My palms could no longer cradle the butterflies and, instead, were plastered against his muscle and itching to explore at every beat of his heart.

Well, at least he had a heart. He was as human as the ones I once lived among.. Except his monster cock. That was not human-like in the least.

"You're mine, little tease. I swear if you don't stop talking about fucking other beings I'll claim you with a mark so no one will even dare to look at you." Hades grumbled, shaking my body with his own demand.

My throat immediately dried at the thought of what his mark would entail. A bite like a werewolf? A brand from the fire we both felt whenever he was touching me? The list was endless in my mind and I couldn't stop myself, even for a moment, to wonder why I wanted it so badly.

"Stop saying I'm yours. I didn't die just to be owned by a spoiled God."

Why was I fighting this so much?

His palm ran up my back, feeling every bump of my spine that shuddered at his touch, until he cupped the hair at the nape of my neck. For the first time since I saw him, his lips tilted up when my breathing faltered. A sadistic, psychotic smile spread before he yanked my head back, pulling the hair almost out of my head until I was staring at the nighttime sky.

My body responded in a way that made me feel alive. Fear pumped through me as soon as I realized I was at his mercy.

I was in love with the adrenaline he gifted me. The need to run, to hide, just to be caught and punished by him was overwhelming.

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