Twenty Eight

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Self control is what separates me from those who I hold power over. Every Shade and God in this bar had lacked it when I had full hold of my own discipline. Each breath they took was one I inhaled. It was once something I prided myself in. Never did I act on impulse. With every slump against the wall behind me, I had a plan.

I had a fucking plan.

But as I watch Nix dance with a crowd of Shades, I'm hanging by a thread. A single string that is fraying at the edges every time she smiles or laughs at someone other than me. She is buzzed out of her mind, I knew what she was thinking. Socializing on The Elixir was easy. It made you want to talk and talk and talk about nothing but nonsense.

It shouldn't be riling me up. I shouldn't be wishing to be the one that her dazzling, blinding smile was directed towards.

For centuries, I halted the fear of War, keeping Zeus at bay with the placate of brotherhood. Then I looked at Nix, refusing to call her Nicole, with her amber hair swaying, hiding her smile with each shake of her hips, and knew, deep down, I would fight a lifelong battle to keep her by my side.

In the shadows, no one can see the grit of my teeth or hear the hammer of my heart that is fighting against every single nerve ending that is screaming I do something. To grab her hips and grind them against mine, or capture her lips in mine and showcase to everyone that crowded her that she was mine. Even if deep down, they all knew she was.

In the darkness, I am alone. Just like I was for twelve years. Twelve aching years without her and now, I have to push forward. To keep her as mine, I need to make her mine in every sense of the word.

"You're punishing yourself." Hecate whispered beside me. And though she cannot see me, I know she can feel my presence, just like everyone else here.

They all know I'm watching what is rightfully mine. As she moves and shakes her hips with a purpose. Currently grinding on a female that has her eyes on a shade across the room.

My Nix was being used as a device to deliver jealousy and it made me fume.

"She's different, Hecate." I whispered from a voice that no longer sounds like mine. It's forced, breathy. The beast within is demanding I claim her again for everyone to watch. They must know she is mine. In every sense of the word.

"Hmmm." Hecate hums, nursing her drink as she leans against the wall. Even the tip of her glass can't hide the small smile forming on her lips. "You say this about each one. They are all different from the last. Perhaps this is the trap the Fate's wanted you to fall into."

I knew she was making sense. She was speaking the truth. But I couldn't stop the growl in my throat at the thought of Moira taking her from me once again. It couldn't happen. I couldn't let it happen. She needed to stay. To be mine. Forever.

"She's never wanted to be around the Shades. She's always felt like an outsider." I nodded my head through the cloak of darkness with a strained smile, "Look at her now."

"She looks like a teenager at her first party. What did you give her?"

"The Elixir."

I didn't have to turn my head to know the horrid look on Hecate's face. "You're doing it tonight."

I wouldn't acknowledge her hesitation. There was no reason to. I was the leader. I was in charge. I was the God who kept losing his one true love, over and over again. Maybe sympathy wasn't an emotion I held anymore.

I was going to breed her again. If my seed hadn't stuck before, it will tonight. I'll be sure of it. Then I'll bring her to the river, the same water I watched every day in hopes she would come to me early, and force her to stay with me.

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