In the beginning...

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Tw: su;c;d@l thoughts

I'm the beginning it started off with two small bundles of magic one yellow one purple. One represented night and negativity like pain or sorrow, as for the other it represented light or happy emotions as in love or joy. Despite them being quite different in their roles they where twin brothers with very important tasks to keep the balance of night and day, negativity and positivity. The bundles of magic where descendent of the last full blooded dragon sadly she passed away as they where born taking form as a tree with two different types of apples. The bundles of magic took the forms of skeletons with dragon like features fangs, claws, horns, wings, and tails, these two brothers had quite the bond they loved each other despite their differences, even tho they kept quite the bond night the Ikjj purple skele kept to himself at times dream the yellow skele couldn't quite understand why a didn't quite question him any further than asking him if he's ok for he quite didn't understand these actions or what they mean, he soon just started to think it was in his nature to have that negative aura still he couldn't quite understand why it would be stronger from time to time yet hi still said he was ok. Little did dream know night has fallen into a deep depression for the whole village hated him for them thinking he could only do bad for his "nature" was bad and his purpose was to protect the worst of the worst emotions that no one cared about nor wanted to experience. All night ever wanted was a friend to feel loved even tho he knew he had his brother he still felt that pained felling I'm his soul that he was alone it felt as if he was stuck in a empty void just he him and his thoughts echoing throughout his head.

"Your not enough"
"No one could ever love you"
"They all hate you"
"You should just end yourself"

They continue to echo it hurt he never wanted to have these thoughts it hurt him and he wanted to protect his brother from these feelings. He didn't want him to feel the same way he did rejected and abused by the townsfolk.why, why was it like this why must life be this cruel and complicated..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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