The sun is beautiful

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Sasory and Izana both reach her house by sunrise but are surprised to find it empty. She rushes upstairs to her bedroom but no soul to be found. She starts panicking and calls her mother back again, still no answer. She starts to freak out and goes to his arms and starts sobbing. But Sasory cheers her up and proposes to search for her at her workplace. She gets herself dressed, and they both leave the house to the hospital.

Upon arriving, they both searched for her there, but nobody had seen her. Together, they search the hospital while the triplets are looking around the streets for her. Alas, even after hours of searching, she's nowhere to be found, and around noon, Izana's phone starts ringing. It was her mother. She answers as quickly as she can, but her hopes fade away when it's a man's voice speaking.

"Hello, I found this phone on the streets and I would like to return it. I am actually at the intersection between Ishiyama high school and the public pool." An average man's voice says. Upon hearing that the five rush to the destination, there they see a man standing near the crossroad, black jeans, blue light shirt, nice classic shoes. He covers himself under a coat and has a hat on his head. He is holding a cell phone in his right hand and is looking everywhere nervously until he sees the five of them.

He runs to them and nervously shakes their hands. He looks at Izana for a brief moment, then with a little smile returns the phone to her.
"Hello, my name is Clifford, and I found this phone when I was walking down the avenue over there. I initially planned to take it to the police station but then I saw that the phone was unlocked and that there was a missed call, so I called the number back and that's when you answered. Here, you can have it back."
"Euh sure thanks, It was my mom's phone. Hmm, do you mind telling me exactly where you found it?" She replies.
"Certainly, follow me." He replies as he starts to walk before them. They all follow him back, Sasory nodding at the vampires to be prepared for any intervention. They all nod back.

Upon arriving at the place, they notice a blood trail leading towards a dark alley. Without hesitation, the sisters rush to check for clues but return without anything. Sasory then thanks the man and accompanies Izana back home. The three sisters stay to search the area.
Back at home, she can not hold herself and falls down on her knees, crying loudly. He gives her a little hug while caressing her hair slowly.

"I cannot.I can not help but imagine the worst scenario. What has happened to my mother?" She asks as she cries even louder.
"I can not tell you because I do not know either, but one thing is sure, she is lucky to have such a wonderful daughter like you." He replies calmly, still caressing her hair.
She hugs him back.
"I am not wonderful, I'm the worst daughter ever." She adds, "Yesterday when the dominions were talking about my father being an angel, I asked my mother about it, and she revealed to me that my father was, in fact, the archangel Gemaiel" "Upon hearing that, I cursed at her for not telling me the truth earlier, and I also told her to die." "And now, and now I fear the last conversation we have is me telling her to die." She tightens her grip around him.

Sasory says nothing. After a few minutes, she calms herself and eats a little snack. Sasory has prepared for them. Suddenly, the front door opens. It's the old man who helped them fight the chemistry teacher. He is with Mrs Saya, who is carrying a head-like figure covered in a blanket. She nods at them and places the blanket covered figure on Izana's hand and apologizes before leaving with the man. She stays there, completely frozen, remembering each and every moment with her mother and their last discussion.

Large droplets of tears flow through her cheeks to her chin, then fall on the blanket. Sasory wipes out the tears for her and takes the blanket. He then takes the blanket off and calls the sisters who immediately come back home. They take the head from Sasory and leave the house. He then takes her to their bed, where he calms her and puts her to sleep. After a few minutes of holding her hand, she finally falls asleep. He kisses her forehead and slowly takes his hands off her.

He then goes to his cupboard, where he has put the sword and opens it. After taking the sword, he then goes to the wardrobe, where he takes out his coat and proceeds to leave the house. The same determination on his face when he went to fight Mr Kreist. At the front door, he looks up and sees the sisters looking at him under the dark night sky. They land in front of him.

Rin takes a step forward and then says;
"We have found who did this. It was a ghoul, living around five houses near the hospital."
"Fine, let's go then" He replies with the most serious tone ever.
The sisters then grip to Sasory, who flies directly to the hospital, and there, following the instruction of Rin, they reach the ghoul's house. It was a normal modern house with a really nice welcoming vibe.
"Are you sure it's there?" He asks
"100%" The sisters reply.
Without any hesitation, they all break through the front door where the man is eating soup with human feet. He does not have any second to think as Yumi grabs his left leg, Yuuki grabs his right leg, and Rin grabs his arm from the back. The next moment, Sasory slashes his head.

His head, spinning in the air when he suddenly grabs it by the hair and throws it off the house through the window. The sisters dismember the rest of his body while Sasory goes for the head outside. There, the still living head begs for his safety, but Sasory plays deaf and kicks the head so violently that it reaches the roof of the next building. He flies there and sees that the head is still alive and conscious.The head continues to beg.
"I will not kill you, I am not a killer. But I will not help you escape from the sun that will rise in about thirty minutes, so have fun" He says in a serious voice, then places the head to the east side of the building.

He then meets with the sisters who have burned the rest of the body, and as they are about to leave, they hear a strange voice down in the basement. They open the basement door and are shocked to find two little girls, around eight to nine years old, eating human flesh.
"What are we gonna do?" Asks Yumi. "They are still children, we cannot kill them or leave them to die like that."
"And if we let them go, they will eat each and everyone here. Do you want to experience another tragedy like Izana's mother?" Yuki shuts her down.
"Rin, Does ghoul eat only human flesh, what about normal food.?" He asks.
"Normally they can, if not feed with human flesh since birth, but considering their case, it is a lost cause." She replies
"I see" He then adds

"I will take them," a voice from behind says. It's the man who found Izana's mother's phone. "It comes to my responsibility as a policeman but also as an angel. I will bring them to the forest, far from human civilization, and we teach them how to live."
"And who are you exactly?" Sasory asks while pointing his sword at him.
"It makes no importance, I will long be gone from your life and her's also, but if you want to give me a name, I am The almighty Archangel Gemaiel. The seeker of truth and balance, and the bearer of the sin of envy."
He then suddenly disappears with the children in an instant. The four, still surprised with this revelation, are trying to calm their mind.

They return to their house the same way they left, and upon arriving, they see Izana waiting, sitting on the front doorstep with a mug of hot chocolate in her hand and dried tears on her face. The sisters rush to the house, and Sasory sits next to her. She just puts her head on his shoulder.
"I didn't want you to avenge her. I wanted you to help me with my grief." She sadly exclaims.
"I didn't kill him or anything, I just stopped him from causing more people to suffer like we.. like you suffered." He replies. "Besides, the girls have prepared a ceremony this evening for her. We will bury her in the mountains after the forest, near a temple."
"No more tears after that." She exclaims, then goes to hug him. "I missed you. Don't go on your own like that again."
"Sorry," He replies, then stares at the sunrise. "The sun is beautiful isn't it?"
"Yes, It indeed is beautiful."...

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