The Date

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He carries her to his house, unfazed by the sight of the neighborhood. The total opposite of Izana who is hiding his face in his arms. They reach his house and go straight to his room where he slowly lays her on the bed, he kneels down and grabs her hand. Her wound has completely healed, not even a scar left on her pure white belly under the torn off shirt.

"Are you sure you're alright? Are you hungry or anything? Can I help you with anything?" He asks, panicking and worrying.
"Yeah, weirdly I'm fine. I guess I just fell unconscious." She replies, then giggling she funnily exclaims, "In less than 24 hours we already entered the other's house, what a coincidence it is, right?" Then asks seriously, "What 'bout you? You've been quite pale and somehow a bit anxious.. Is everything alright?"

He lets go of her hand and sticks his back to the bed.
"My parents died when I was born in an accident, at least that's what I've been told by my godparents who took care of me for as long as I can remember. That is until we got into an accident two years ago. There were only two survivors, a girl and I but her condition was so bad that they had to keep her heart active until the emergency came. I did not have any injuries, Now I know why, but they took some time to get me out of the car." He says calmly but with a tear of sadness.

"For that time all I could see was the torn off parts of them. I could never forget that feeling I had back then. And today when I was fighting with this creature, at the end I..I.."
"It's alright, You don't need to say anything anymore." She replies after hugging him tightly from the back.
"No, I have to.. My dad, who I thought was dead, is actually alive and most surprisingly, an angel." He replies, tormented and panicking. Izana tightens her grip around him and kisses the back of his neck.
"I wish I could tell you I know what you're going through but I would be lying to you. So the only thing I can do now is just that."

Nevertheless what Izana said instantly calms him down, as he grabs her hand around him, he slowly turns to her and kisses her. It lasts short cause the two hear a loud scream in the front of the house. It was the dominions, coming into his room like savages.
"I hate them" He whispers to her then talks to the two of them. "Found anything?"

"We're sorry, we lost track of him after he parted ways with you at the gymnasium.." The black Dominion says
"But we found something that's as useful as what you're searching for." The red one reply.
Izana stares in astonishment as he sees two flying creatures floating near the front door of the room.
"Care to explain?" She says as she is slowly pulling back his shirt.
"Oh sorry, I present to you..euh" He says then quickly turns to them. "What's your name by the way?" The three of them all sign in disappointment, then Izana lets out a little laugh.
"Just call us Dominions, It's alright." The red one exclaims. "Back to business, we were not able to find out where he lives but we found something..well someone when we came back home.." It turns to the door. "You can enter."

At that moment, three teenage girls come out of the door, all shy at first.
"Eum.. He..llo, my name is R.ri..Rin Hirofumi and these are my sisters, Yuuki and Yumi. And eum we would like to.. to..." She stutters
"We would like the son of Sarathiel to help us" Yuuki Replies instantly. Everyone stares in awe.
"We are the daughters of Raphael, the archangel and we would like you, the son of sarathiel, to help us seal Carmilla, The First woman vampire." Yumi adds.
"You are the son of the great archangel Sarathiel and you have his blood flowing in your veins. If you can help us we will also help you concerning who you are." Yuuki responds, then looking at Izana she adds. "Both of you"

The two stare at each other for a brief moment, then nod their head in agreement and in a synchronized tone reply. "Hell No, Not today." Sasory then continues. "Today I just want to take out these blood stained clothes, take a good bath and lay on my bed. So,another time."
"I understand," Yuuki replies while politely bowing her head. "Take your time, you deserve it Nephilim. You will find us at the house near the lake." She then stares at Izana confusingly before leaving.

A few moments later, the two dominions are in the next room thinking about anything and everything. Sasory is on the bed, sleeping, holding Izana in his left arm, the right one playing with her hair. She is laying on his body, face on his chest, listening to his heart beating slowly. She then wakes up and asks him, "Why was that thing trying to kill you in the first place?"

"Beats me," He replies. "I only remember it was talking about a sacrificial ritual. Let's stop talking about me and let's focus on you for the moment." He grabs his necklace. A pure jadish green light glowing from his hand. "I guess I'm not the only one with an existential crisis.i''

"Oh, this." She replies, grabbing back the necklace. "My mom told me it was a gift from my deceased father. He gave it to my mom to pass it to me. It is said to represent the protection of the three judges of the underworld."

"Minos, Aeacus and Rhadamanthus, the three judges of the underworld." Sasory adds.
"Yes, they were the one that sentenced Gemaiel to live on earth, powerless as a punishment for stealing one of the holy weapons to give it to humanity."

"Hope." Sasory says. "The only weapon able to kill a god, kept by the bearer of Pandora's box."
"It's funny tho, all these myths we thought were.. well myths turns out to be true. If you'd tell me one week ago that I would see angels, devils, zombies and now vampires, I would've laughed in your face."
Slowly letting go of her, he sadly replies. "We never talked to each other up until yesterday."
She looks him up in the eyes, determined, "If only you knew how much I wanted to talk to you back then. I was very scared of messing everything up." She then looks down. "Like I always do." She replies in a low crying voice.

Sasory lifts up his chin and looks at her straight in the eyes.
"I am here now. And I will be there, until death do us apart." he then says before kissing her profoundly, Each lipsprint left by their kisses imprint within their body and mind. The swiftness of their tongue mingling with each other. His right hand, longing over her face around her neck, her hand flowing all over his body till his pants, then going all the way up his wrist and holding him in her arms. They stop and stare at each other for a brief moment then kisses again. Now adding more sincerity and passion in each and every kiss, their boiled blood flows through their veins as each and every cell from their body start longing for each other in a burning flow of lust. She hesitantly takes the initiative of pulling off his shirt while maintaining the kisses as much as possible.

He falls almost completely into lust and starts taking off her top, revealing her beautifully b cupped breast watching him as he grabs them and caresses them fondling. She lets out a cute moan then immediately kisses him back. It was short timed as the two are once again interrupted by the two dominions entering the room.
"I forgot to mention how much I hate these guys." He says as he covers her up. with the blanket...

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