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"It seems that this will be more and more entertaining than expected. Tho I mourn the death of my brother, I acknowledge your strengths and shall give you a hint." Amaymon says while grabbing the lifeless body of Asmodeus sliced in two. He then grabs his heart and throws it at Sasory.

"Take it, You'll need it" He adds. "And who knows, You might be reunited with your past. If there's still something left of it." He then instantly flies and grabs Sasory and Adam's faces and pinches it fiercely to the ground. The pressure of Amaymon's power is so strong that it creates a hole on the ground, where Sasory and Adam fall into.

Izana keeps following Gabriel until they arrive in a dungeon where a woman is imprisoned.

"I shall present you, your Step-Mother, my brother's wife, that bastard's mother. Agiel of the archdemons." Gabriel says while pointing his sword at the prisoner's chin and slowingly lifting it up for Izana to see.Pale face, dark black hairs, dead red eyes and a white dress covered with blood. Bruises and scars all over her face and body, chains on her hands and feet and an almost dead look on her face. "She's been our guest here since the birth of her son. Go on, say hello to her." She rushes to unchain her but Gabriel stops her. "She's still useful to let her go now, besides, you can try all you want, you will never be able to break these chains. Many have tried. Nobody succeeded."

Gabriel leaves them and goes to the kitchen. Izana sits in front of her and wipes out the bruises on her face while trying to talk to her. She seems drained and weak. A few minutes later Gabriel comes back with a plate full of fruits and places them in front of her cellar. "Here is your monthly allowance little devil, Eat to your heart full." Upon seeing the plate, she rushes to it but it's too far away and her chains stop her midway. Realising she cannot get to the food, she falls to the floor, sobbing while Gabriel laughs at her. "Would you look at that pitiful face of yours. Enough to make a man cry, Haha. You get what you deserve for violating the golden taboo. Now rot here forever, you little bitch." He laughs as he leaves the dungeon and before closing the door behind him, he tells Izana to watch over her step mother.

Sasory opens his eyes in a dungeon prison, it's all dark and the walls are covered by coagulated blood. He turns to his left, where an unconscious Adam is lying on the ground, face covered in bruises and his sword on his stabbed right leg. "Adam, hold on, hold on, wake up, wake up. Oh my god. What do I do now?" He panics and starts searching everywhere for help when Adam grabs him by his hand. "First of all stop panicking and remove the sword from my leg, would you? He says in pain. "Fuck that hurts, Now Im starting to understand how Asmodeus felt when you slashed him. Ihi ""No need to hold back. Go all at it." After hearing these words Sasory takes a deep breath and immediately removes the sword from his leg." Almost instantly, his wound starts to heal.

"Look what I found in the chamber when we were fighting that son of a bitch." He pulls out a necklace out of his pocket and shows it to Sasory. It was Izana's necklace. He takes it from him and checks it just to confirm,and indeed it was her necklace. "How did that end here?"

They then hear a distant voice at the end of the dungeon, a calming voice asking them to come to it. It was a familiar voice, almost hypnotising. They go in its direction and the more they approach the more familiar it gets. They arrive in front of a big cellar door.

"I'm sure it's her. I can recognize her voice anywhere. Izana, just you wait. I'm coming for you." Sasory thinks to himself for a moment then proceeds to open the huge door but only for Adam to stop him. "I have a bad feeling about it bro. Maybe we should explore here first."

In the heaven's dungeon, Izana is peeling an apple and feeding Agiel while having small talks. "Your son is doing great, He has helped a lot of people and I'm sure He'll come to us."

Izana says calming. "My son, How I wish I could hold him in my arms. Caress him, and tell him how much I'm sorry for being such a terrible mother." She replies as she starts sobbing. Izana is comforting her when suddenly they hear a familiar voice. "That voice!" Izana exclaims. "It must be him." She runs straight from the cellar to the corridor where after a few moments she finds herself in front of a big door. Same as the one Sasory saw. A huge golden door, An eye in the middle, surrounded by three pairs of wings. The left side white and the right side black.

She tries to open the door but Agiel stops her from afar by her voice. "Do not open this door!" She screams. "It's meant to fool you."

They both give up on their idea of opening and Sasory goes to explore the dungeon while Izana returns to Agiel. Sasory and Adam explore the dungeon for a brief moment when they see a man sitting in one of the cells. Dark black hairs, blue eyes, rather tall even though he is laying on the ground, almost dead. They rush to help the man, but he refuses any help.

"Let me die here." He exclaims. "I have no right to stay alive after not being able to protect them. I couldn't. I couldn't save them." He starts sobbing. "My dear Agaet. My love. I'm so sorry."

"Hey old man." Adam reaches out. "Stop lamenting and look at who's saving you right now."

He then grabs Sasory by his arm and sends him flying on the old man. He looks at Sasory for a moment then shockingly he asks. "Son?"

They freeze for a moment then he hugs the old man, they both start crying on each other's arm. Then after a few seconds they stare at each other, Sarathiel drying the tears of Sasory while admiring how strong his son has become but it is short timed as he then realises that his son is in hell and he then asks: "What are you doing here? And with Adam above all?"

"Long story short; he broke one of the seven virtues and fell into one of the seven sins."

Adam replies quickly. "Come on, we have to get out of here. That son of a bitch might still be looking for us. Hurry."

Sasory frees Sarathiel from his chains and they both carry Sarathiel to the golden door.

"Be wary, of the seventeen years I've been here, I never got to see what's beneath that door so act with caution." Sarathiel weakly tells them. "I've no time for caution, I have to go to earth as soon as possible." Sasory replies determined. "You do realise that your precious Izana the nephilim is actually at the Codex Argenteus." Adam adds. "But Ironically I also have to get there. Someone's waiting on me."

They all stare at each other and drop kick the door. Izana is still seating next to Agiel who is slowly regaining her strength. "You know, your son was my first kiss, well, even tho it was an accident." She says to her. "I'm glad my son has met someone as pure as you." She replies. Izana starts to blush then Gabriel reappears in front of them and kicks Agiel in the face knocking her unconscious. Izana tries to go to her but Gabriel grabs her and takes her away from the unconscious body to the cell she was with the other girls. Eve comes to cheer her up as Gabriel leaves the room. "You'll pay for this Gabriel. Trust me, you will pay for this."

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