celebrating her birthday (requested)

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Taylor giggled as she put her glass of wine down on the floor beside her as you stepped out of the kitchen and returned to the living room.

The lights were all off but it wasn't dark at all because candles were lit all across the room.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Taylor, happy birthday to you!" You sang as you carried a cake across the room.

You put it down on the table and Taylor admired it with stars in her eyes.

"Oh, baby," She smiled. "This is so beautiful."

It wasn't anything too fancy.

But you did spend most of the day making this cake for her and Taylor loved it so much.

It was her favorite flavor and you decorated the top of it to say,

"Happy birthday my beautiful girl."

It warmed her heart and she swiped a little frosting on the tip of her index finger, tasting it.

"That's so delicious!" She said. "Wow, so good and almost as sweet as you, my girl."

You kissed her lips softly; another kiss, one of the many, many kisses you've given her today.

"I can't believe you did all of this for me." She said.

"Well, you should. And you should also get used to it. You're my girl and you deserve the whole world." You smiled as you cut the cake.

You made her dinner, made this wonderful cake, got her favorite wine, and tried to make today as perfect and as special as possible for her.

"I'm so lucky." She said as you placed a slice of cake on a plate in front of her. "Come here."

You cut yourself a piece and then curled up beside her, gently putting your head on her shoulder.

"I feel so spoiled." She said. "I don't think anyone's ever done this for me before."

"Seriously? Never?" You frowned.

"Well, my parents and brother always made my birthday special. But someone I love romantically? Someone I care so deeply for the way I do you? No, never."

"Well, if things weren't this way, I would've taken you to the nicest spot in town and spoiled you there." You said.

"I think I like this much more." She said. "I don't care about fancy meals, thousands of people singing me happy birthday, and drinking the most expensive wine. I like being here with you. Holding you in my arms, eating the most delicious cake ever with my favorite girl."

"Oh, baby," You smiled. "I like this too. I tried to make everything special for you."

"You did, darling. I'm so lucky and so in love. Thank you for the best birthday ever." She smiled before kissing your lips.

"You're welcome, Tay. You deserve it." You said, kissing her again.

She pulled you closer and ate the delicious cake and sipped on her wine in the candlelight, hoping that she'd have many more birthdays like this.

Because it truly was the best one she'd ever had.

And all because of you; the love of her life.

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