do the girls back home touch you like I do? (requested)

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Author's Note: Just for a little context, in my mind, as I wrote this, I pictured this as maybe an alternate way of how
Y/N and Taylor met, and it was just a couple of months before *that* happened.

Just wanted to put this out here just in case, while you read it, you're wondering where this would fall in line during the era. Hope this makes sense and that you all enjoy it!


Wow..." You heard Taylor say as you slipped off your heels. "What a view."

"Yeah, this building provides a pretty great view of the city." You replied as you turned around, only to see her standing right there in front of you.

"I wasn't talking about the view of the city." She whispered before her eyes began to travel along your body. "I was talking about you."

Your heart began to race as you watched her begin to lean in, her lips now inching closer and closer to yours before they finally met.

You met Taylor in a bar just a little while ago and you're already head over heels for her.

When she suggested you both head back to the place you're currently staying in while you visit some family and some friends, you happily agreed.

As her lips moved against your own, you felt her hands wander across your body and down to the zipper of the skirt you had on.

Pulling away from your lips for just a second, her eyes met yours and your breath hitched upon noticing the look of desire inside them.

"Can I unzip it? Can I take it off of you?" She asked as she tugged at your skirt slightly, making sure you knew exactly what she meant.

"Yes." You replied before cupping her cheeks to pull her in for a passionate kiss.

A fire was rushing through your veins, the feeling of desire stronger than you have ever felt in your life, and your hands were shaking slightly as you let them travel across her body.

It felt so surreal that this was happening.

Because even though you just met this girl, she is unbelievably beautiful and there's a strong connection between you.

"What about that drink you wanted?" You asked against her lips.

She shook her head at you before biting your lower lip with her teeth, causing you to let out a soft moan.

"Screw it." She whispered before she began to kiss your jaw. "I only want you."

As her lips brushed against your neck, she looked around the room to see where she could take you to be closer to you, and as soon as she saw your couch, she began to push you over to it.

Once you were on it, she pulled your skirt off and then began to brush her fingers beneath your shirt.

"I can't believe how gorgeous you are." She whispered before kissing your lips. "I don't do this with just anyone, you know?"

You smiled a little as she pulled away to gaze into your eyes.

"But there's just something about you, Y/N, something I just can't resist. I can't help myself. I like you a lot."

"You're sure you're not just saying that because we've been drinking and we could end up hooking up tonight?" You asked, kinda joking but also kinda serious.

The fire in her eyes wasn't as strong now.

Make no mistake - the desire she was feeling was still intense.

But there was a soft look in those blue eyes you've fallen hard for and you felt it too as she took your hand and intertwined your fingers with hers.

"I'm sure. I haven't had that much to drink, I'm not as intoxicated as you might think. Not by the alcohol anyways."

You giggled before kissing her softly.

"Me neither and, just so we're on the same page, I like you a lot too."

She smiled and used her other hand to caress your cheek.

"I mean, I know it's only been a few hours since we met but trust me, I feel the same way about you. I really like you."

"Good." She smiled before she began to kiss your neck again. "You're gorgeous, Y/N."

Your breath hitched and your eyes fluttered shut as she left a little love bite on the sensitive spot on your neck.

"Let me show you just how gorgeous you are... tonight and many, many more nights to come."

Your heart fluttered and you went to reply when she began to caress your thigh, making you weak in the knees as your heart stopped fluttering and began to race.

"Do the girls back home touch you like I do?" She whispered in your ear. "Do they touch your soft skin like this? Make your heart hammer against your chest in excitement because you don't just want me but you crave me?"

"Only you." You breathlessly replied.

"Good girl." She whispered before pulling you in for another passionate kiss.

Things only got steamier from there when you moved to your bed and kept her as close to you as you could.

Throughout the hours of passion, she kept whispering things in your ear that drove you insane.

Telling you that you're so beautiful, you're a mansion with a view.

You could hear echoes of her footsteps and yours on the stairs as she stayed close to you, her soft skin so kissable and so warm and you never wanted to let her go.

It was almost two am when you walked in here with her and when you two were done, the sun was starting to rise.

But neither of you fell asleep - at least not right away.

You stayed awake with your head on her chest and your fingers in hers, playing with them as she kissed your head and stared at you.

"So... do you still feel the same way? Or did you change your mind?" You asked her as you met her tired but still soft blue eyes.

"I meant everything I said to you tonight, Y/N. From the moment I sat down at the bar with you, all the way until now. I'm crazy about you. I like you a lot."

"Good. Because I like you too." You whispered.

"I don't want to rush things but I don't want us to be a one-night thing. My life is pretty crazy but... I trust you and I think you're beautiful and special and I want you to stay around for a while."

"Trust me, Tay, this isn't a one-night thing. I promise." You said before kissing her again. "I have the feeling that this might be the start of something special."

"Me too." She grinned before holding you a little tighter.

And you woke up a few hours later the same way you fell asleep - safe and warm in her arms, unaware that this truly was the start of something very special.

Taylor Swift reputation era Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now