Chapter 17; Geranium - Melancholy

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After a while, Mr Roth's assistant offered me dinner. In the fruit basket there were peaches, pears and blackberries, while there were a few slices of cherry pie on a porcelain plate. I felt the saliva in my mouth and even my stomach grumbled, but I did not even accept a glass of water. The assistant was really nice to me, he even offered to make me glass of lemonade, but I had too much pride.

During the night I did not sleep. Even if I had been in my soft bed, I would not have been able to sleep, because I felt so much pain in my wrist. The next day, I refused both the breakfast and the lunch. My lips were dry, as was my throat, but I still said no to fresh water. When the sun began to set, I was already really worried, especially because I couldn't get Roth's words out of my mind. The man said that he have no doubt that by the time the clock struck midnight tonight, he will be dead. What is that supposed to mean?

"Good evening, Miss Lanchester!" Mr Roth greeted me a few minutes before the show. "I really hope that you liked the cherry pie and not even a tiny crumb of it left! You know, it is not advisable to stand on the stage with an empty stomach. That is why I'm letting you stay in that expensive chair. You haven't taken your hands off it since last night..." he joked. My hands were tied to the arms of the chair last night, and my fingers were already numb. "Smile, Miss Lanchester! Tonight will be a special show and don't forget that Mr Frye is the guest of honour. Do not disappoint him!" he said, then walked out onto the stage of the Alhambra, while the orchestra was playing a dramatic tune. "Mesdames et Messieurs, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Alhambra Music Hall!" Mr Roth greeted the guests. Those people were lured here with the promise of a special show. I should have scream for help, but the orchestra was playing so loud that no one would have heard my voice, not even myself. "Tonight, and only tonight, we have very special performances on the stage. Corvus the trickster and Jane the illusionist!" and with that, the audience started cheering and clapping as if the director had announced the arrival of William Shakespeare. "While some of the effects may seem dangerous and scary, do not be alarmed, my good people. Fear not! This is the purest form of entertainment! Tonight's performance immortalizes and is for a benefot of a young fellow very near and dear to my heart. Any concerns or complaints may be addressed to him. Jacob, dear boy! Tonight is for you!" soon, Corvus the trickster stand on the stage in front of the audience. Although, I could not see what was happening on the stage, but Mr Roth made sure that I didn't miss anything. The first performance required a volunteer and a young man was honoured to be part of the show. "A big round of applause for this brave man!" Mr Roth said to the audience as the young man walked onto the stage. "You are lucky people, ladies and gentlemen! You are about to witness this gentleman being fired upon at point blank range. Corvus will hit several targets placed around his head." he informed the guests, then I heard a few loud gunshots. "Exciting, is it not? Will our honoured guest go unharmed?" the audience was watching the performance with amazement until Corvus pulled the trigger one last time. Some of them screamed in fear, but the host of the evening calmed them down. "What a thrill! Do not freat, my friends, it's all part of the show! Please, stay with us as we prepare for the next trun!" Mr Roth said. At the time, I still had no idea what actually happened on the stage, but when Blighters dragged away the brave volunteer from the stage to the backstage, the show turned into hell. The young man was dead. There was a bullet in the middle of his forehead, and that bullet caused his death. The audience thought that what they saw on the stage was just a spectacular magic trick, but they were so wrong. In despair, I was trying to loosen the ropes around my wrists, but in vain. Instead, I caused even more pain. I was screaming so loud, but no one heard me. Meanwhile, the show continued without interruption. "We found a suitably flat-headed gentleman for this one. You laugh, ladies and gentlemen, but I assure you that is the case!" Mr Roth joked and the audience burst into laughter. If the people had known that the young man was murdered, then they would have ran away from here a long time ago. "I have no doubt that I don't need to explain to you how risky this performance is. And yet, our courageous participant hasn't even flinched! Standing a few feet away, Corvus expertly throws his knives at the apple, slicing it in two." the guests were having a great time in the auditorium, while I was crying behind the scenes like a scared little child. The ropes did not loosen at all, but caused damage to my skin. "Well! We weren't quite expectng that! Were we? How thrilling it is when life surprises us... I am not finished just yet! Stay right where you are and the show will continue shortly." moments later, already two dead men were lying at my feet. These men came here tonight to have fun and with that they signed their death warrant. "For this trick, ladies and gentlemen, we have found a most courageous volunteer! With our courageous volunteer in the box, the celebrated illusionist will proceed to saw him in half. Our skilled illusionist, Sabertooth Jane is performing this famous trick. The saw Miss Jane is using this evening is imported from the ancient city of Kodumanal, celebrated for manufacturing the finest steel in the world." Mr Roth told the guests. Knowing that the illusionist will cut someone in half on the stage, I felt nausea and I was dizzy. "Marvelous, marvelous, marvelous! To thank our guest for participating in the show, we've invited him backstage to partake of some refreshment before returning to the audience... The final act will begin shortly. Please, stay seated as we prepare! You won't want to miss the highlight of the evening!" the audience was cheering excitedly as the host left the stage and walked to me. "It is time, Miss Lanchester!" Mr Roth's harsh voice reminded me that this was not an awful nightmare, but the reality, and it seemed that the highlight of the evening will be bloodier than the tragedy of Macbeth.

"Why are you doing this? WHY?!"

"Why?" the man looked at me questioningly."Why I snap a baby crow's neck between my thumb and forefinger? Why I slice to bits the ones you deem innocent? Why I kidnap a young, ambitious lady? Why I keep the world in its divine manic state? For the same reason I do anything..." he answered, and with that his devilish grin returned. "Why not?" Mr Roth walked back to his guests, laughing like a maniac, while the Blighters carried me out onto the stage with the chair. As soon as the peppermint scented smoke faded away, I saw the audience. Almost a thousand people was smiling at me and the theatrical scenery enchanted them. I was surrounded by bare trees and thorny bushes, the lights was glowing in the shades of red and orange, while stuffed crows were hanging from the ceiling. For a moment, I thought of Salem. There, where witches were punished for their sins. By Hanging, yet I heard rumours that those women were executed by fire. "I hope you have enjoyed your evening so far, ladies and gentlemen! I know I have... And now, our final act, in which the most beautiful star of London, Miss Adaline Lanchester will shine!" I was fighting against my tears, while the audience was cheering and clapping their hands as if I had been crowned the Queen of England."I would like to toast all of you brave people who joined us tonight, burning with the desire to celebrate life... And death." Maxwell Roth looked at me one last time, got lost in my gaze for a while, then he said... "Go on, let them burn..." hearing his words, the blood froze in my veins. A fraction of a second later, the Blighters arrived with torches and set the stage on fire. The fire was spreading very quickly and soon the whole Alhambra was engulfed in flames. It was the moment when the audience realised that the death is no longer a mere illusion. The people were screaming in fear, escaping from the burning building, as Mr Roth continued laughing. "Ha ha ha! Your move, Jacob, my dear! Come and join us for the finale! Come out, come out! WHERE AAAAARE YOOOUUU? SHOW YOURSEEEEELF!" Mr Roth shouted, grinning with pure joy. He didn't care that his bones will become ashes within minutes. Meanwhile, I was begging all the gods of all religions, because I wanted to live. I was crying and screaming, as I tried to free my hands with all the strength I had left. The ropes may have loosened a little, but by those moment it was too late. My lungs were filled with smoke, I felt so dizzy, the cyanide was scratching my throat, and the heat burnt my skin. Maxwell Roth was right, this was the final act for me. The Alhambra was my dream, but now it will be my grave. And with that, I got lost in the darkness...

I cheated death so many times in my life, but life came to its end for everyone, sooner or later. Some of them were sailing on the sea of ​​dreams towards their eternal sleep, and some of them exhaled their soul on the battlefield. People believed that after our death, St Peter greets us at the gateway to Heaven, while the sinful souls are banished to Hell where only torment and darkness awaits them. In the last days of her life, my mother often told me about what does she think Heaven is like. She mentioned the angels with glorious wings. And the saints who walk on the silky clouds with bare foot, wearing white clothes and bring joy to each other by plucking the strings of the harp. And the gateway made from pearls of faith. Perhaps such a magical realm awaited the pure souls, but I ended up in an entirely different land.

I was surrounded by snowy mountains, and the mist covered everything with a silvery veil as the snowflakes were dancing with the breeze. In the distance I saw a fortress that must have been hundreds of years old. It seemed abandoned. There was silence, and its flags were not flying. All of sudden, an eagle landed next to me on the bare tree branch and looked straight at me. He was staring into my eyes, as if he could see into my soul, as if he was looking for something there. Soon, he continued his way, flying towards the fortress.

"Flavia... Il mio bel fiore di iris... (Flavia... My beautiful iris flower...) Agiamo nell'ombra per servire la luce... (We work in the dark to serve the light...)" a voice echoed in the distance, brought to me by the north wind, and with that I left the realm of dreams.

I regained my consciousness in the Lambeth Asylum, Miss Nightingale's kind words woke me up. He calmed the people and assured them that my life was no longer in danger. When I opened my moss green eyes, familiar faces greeted me. Jacob, my father, Evie, Eleanor, Aunt Martha, Henry, and even Clara were there. The little girl was the first who noticed that I regained my consciousness and after seconds I already hold her in my arms. Meanwhile, I looked at my beloved ones, who worried about me and prayed for me. The fate let me to stay a part of these people's lives. In silence, I thanked the stars of the sky for being with them, and finally I burst into tears.

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