Monster From Hell

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(Note: Like "Irenic", "Monster From Hell" was a creative writing class assignment. Colleges and indie filmmakers are allowed to record and act out the script with any necessary changes, as long as credit is given.)




SAMUEL (voice only)

SCENE: The following takes place in an open field on a farm, on an unnamed planet that is similar to Earth. Siblings Caesar and Michelle are arguing about their father, a war hero who passed away due to unknown causes, and their grieving mother, Sonya, who operated soldiers commonly known as bio-suits rather than their nearly forgotten official name and who is hiding a secret.

CAESAR: (he quickly walks to Michelle, who is walking feet away from him) What the hell do you think you're doing?!

MICHELLE: I'm going to get the bastard who killed dad.

CAESAR: We don't even know if someone killed him.

MICHELLE: (she stops walking and turns to face Caesar) And you don't think someone did?! That thing got into him.

CAESAR: We don't-

MICHELLE: Dad was wearing that armor. They found him with the one he'd sworn to never wear again. (she pauses) What if mom...?

CAESAR: No. Mom would never.

MICHELLE: Of course, you would know. You're her favorite, you were always her favorite.

CAESAR: Don't. Don't start with that. You know she loves you, too.

MICHELLE: Does she?

CAESAR: She does! If you think so, think again. She was the only one who had to deal your crap while dad was out saving people from those freaks. She was the only one who had to deal with your pranks, your jokes, your lies! Yet, she still told you she loved you every time she put you to bed when we were kids. Mom lied to dad just to make him think you were his little angel. And you really think you're the only one that is hurting so much.

MICHELLE: What if I am?

CAESAR: No, you're not the only one. Have you ever thought of what others felt? What I felt? What mom felt? (he pauses) Let me ask this, have you seen either of their memory logs? Because neither of them had good lives.

MICHELLE: How can I? They never let us into their offices, even as kids.

CEASAR: You wanna know why? That trauma we have is nothing compared to what they went through, especially mom. She didn't want anyone to know but she let dad know, which is why he was just has hard on you as she was. The way he did it was just different from her.

MICHELLE: What's your point?

CAESER: My point is, they care, we care, about your safety. If someone did kill dad, we don't want that to happen to you. Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows we are their kids. Chances are, if someone wants someone else dead and that someone else has a family, whoever killed them would want to get to their family, too.

MICHELLE: They wouldn't stand a chance. We are soldiers.

CAESAR: We were soldiers! Don't forget we left that behind years ago. We swore to them to leave that behind us.

MICHELLE: You may have left that behind, but I didn't. I never did.

CAESAR: You don't think we didn't know that?

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