☆Chapter 1: Road trip to Uni☆

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Carrie was woke up by the loud music coming from her phone. Someone was calling her, specifically her best friend, Chloe. She groans, picking up the phone.

"Ugh, Hello?" She asks in a groggy voice.

"Girl, you just now getting up? Remember what today is?" Chloe asks

"No. What's today?"

"Bitch, we we're driving down to New York today. For Uni? In Tanika's car?"

"Oh, yeah. OK, Imma start getting ready." She says, sitting up. "Have you texted the others yet?"

"Yup. I'm in Tanika's car right now. We're heading to Jenny's house, then yours, so hurry up. Make sure everything thing is packed and ready to go."

"Tch. Don't boss me around."

"Not trying to, but we have to go out for breakfast, and then we have a nail appointment. Then after that we have to get on the road."

"Ok, OK. I'm getting up. See you in a while."

"Ok, Bye Care. Mwah." She says before she hangs up.

Carrie gets out of bed. "Good morning stripe." She says as she takes out the guiena pig from the cage, feeding it some food. She puts it back and heads to the bathroom to brush her teeth until she realizes her younger brother was in there. "Dammit, Tyler hurry the fuck up dude! I need to brush my fucking teeth!"

"Fuck you, Carrie! I'm taking a Wizz!" He shouts back.

"Would both of you stop yelling!" Carrie hears her mom yells from another room.

Suddenly, there was a flush and Tyler walked out the bathroom. "Ew, did you wash your hands?" "Of course I did. I'm not a fucking animal." He says as he walks to his room.

Carrie continues to brush her teeth. Then she washes her and gets dressed. She texts the group chat that she's ready and waits for them. She hears footsteps coming towards her door and sees her mom, dad, and brother standing at the door frame.

"Hey hun." Her dad says calmly with a warm smile on his face.

"Hey..." She says, looking at them with an unidentifiable expression.

"You ready to go?" Her mom asks.

"Yeah, almost...Tanika's coming to pick me up in a second." She stands up. "I'm... gonna miss you guys..."

"We're going to miss you too, honey. Right, Tyler?" Her mom asks. Tyler says nothing. He just stands down at the floor in silence. "Tyler?"

He runs to Carrie, hugging her tightly. "I'm gonna miss you the most." Everyone in the room was kinda surprised, even Carrie. She smiles at him. "Oh, wow. My 15 year old moody brother will miss me? This has to be fake." She jokes. "I'm serious!" He yells. She laughs. "I'm gonna miss you too, dude." She kisses his forehead.

Her phone starts ringing once again. "That must be Chloe. I gotta get going. See you guys at Thanksgiving?"

"Of course. We love you, Carrie."

She hugs them, squeezing them as hard as she could. "I love you guys, too." She walks over to the cage that holds stripe. "I'll miss you too, stripe." She walks to the door waving her family goodbye and hops into Tanika's car. "Take care of stripe for me!" She yells.

"Everybody set?" Tanika asks. Everybody says yes. Chloe is the passenger seat while Jenny and Carrie sat in the back. They drive to their local ihop and then head to the nail salon.

Once done, they get on the road. After 20+ hours of taking turns driving, they finally arrive on campus. "Everybody has their schedules and dorm rooms, right?" Tanika asks, playing the role of the mom. "Yup! I have dorm 512." Chloe exclaims. "I g-got 353." Jenny says. They all look at Carrie, waiting for her to tell her number. "Oh, I have 490. I have 647. Let's spread out ladies, see yall at 6." They all nod and walk off.

Carrie finds her dorm room. She unlocks the door. When she walks through the door, she sees a girl unpacking. "Hi?" The girl jumps at Carrie's voice. The girl was very lanky with short blonde hair.

"Oh, uh hi! You must be- FUCK SHIT! My dormmate." She smiles, holding out her hand, attempting to shake Carrie's hand.

Carrie was confused. What? Did she just curse and just go on like nothing happened. Did she not like Carrie? Carrie stared at her hand, hesitant to shake it.

"Are you ok?" She asks. There is a moment of silence before there's another yell. "SHIT, BALLS!"

Carrie raises an eyebrow. "Are...are you ok?" The girl nods. "Y-yeah, I'm fine! COCK! Why do you ask?" Carrie's mind goes blank. "You...um...the words." "Oh...sorry I have tourettes...I can't really control it. Like a sneeze." "Oh. Cool." Carrie says.

"Cool? It's cool?" The girl has a weird expression on her face.

"I mean yeah...You can say anything you want, and people can't say shit. If I had tourettes i would be sooo happy." Carrie says, looking down at her. She couldn't tell if Carrie was joking or not. The girl looked kinda mad. Carrie looked at her, confused. She didn't understand why she was mad. Wasn't Carrie being nice?

"I-I don't understand... did I say something wrong?" Carrie asks. Carrie doesn't really understand emotions. She never really cared for them, but her doctor told her to start thinking about other people's feelings, and she tries her best.

"Just don't call it cool. It's kinda insulting... you don't know what it's like to have tourettes or a disability." The girl says in an angry but low voice.

It was silent for a second before Carrie spoke up. "I do. I have...autism. I don't like to say it. Not the first thing I say to people when I meet them, dude. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or something." She shrugs. "But that doesn't accuse what I said. Sorry."

"Oh... OK? Just don't say it again..." The room filled with awkward silence. Carrie speaks up once again. "I'm Carrie." She holds out her hand, trying to start over. The girl is hesitant but shakes her hand anyway. "I'm- FUCK! Thori."

"Glad that's sorted out. I'm gonna start unpacking now. She says, picking up a few bags.

Thori sits on her bed, watching Carrie unpack. "Aren't you gonna unpack too?" Carrie asks. "Actually when you walked in, I just got done unpacking." Tori says.

"Oh." Carrie goes back to unpacking. "Do you wanna, get to know- SHIT FUCK! each other?" Thori asks. "We can play 21 questions." "Sure, why not." Carrie shrugs. She sits across from Thori.

"I'll go first. What's your favorite hobby?" Tori asks.

Carrie thinks for a second. "Stargazing. I like space." She says, fidgeting.

"Now it's- FUCKING BITCH! your turn!" Thori points at Carrie.

"Uh...What's your favorite color?"

"Green and yellow. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes. A younger brother. What did you come to college for? What's your passion?"

"Oh, uh, SHIT ASS! Sculpting. I love the beauty of clay. Also, because it's fun."

"Woah. What kind of stuff do you sculpt?"

"Mostly women. Nude women."

Carrie blushes, clearly surprised at the response.

Thori laughs. "COCK FUCK! It's n-not a kink thing, trust me. Just ba-SHIT! basic anatomy. What are you here for?"

"Music...vocal to be specific. Me and my friend are here for that. My other two friends, not so much."

"Oh? What career are they pursuing in?"

"They don't really know. I mean, one of them wants to be a comedian, and the other just wants the college experience. We didn't want to go to different universities so we went here."

"Well, I hope they find something they like here. There are many programs to sign up for."

"Yeah...hey, me and my friends are going out to eat at 6. You wanna, uh, come?"

"Yeah, sure." Thori smiles.

Carrie made a new friend. Her first new friend. And it's the person she's going to be living with for the next six months. She is soooooo happy.

Chapter 1: Complete.

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