☆Chapter 2: Sadie, who?!☆

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It was now around five o'clock, and Carrie was getting ready, along with Thori. Carrie was on the phone, facetiming her friends.

"I w-wanna w-w-wear this see-through shirt. Do you guys t-think they're gonna k-k-kick me out?" Jenny asks, holding up a white mesh shirt.

"Don't know. What are you wearing under it?" Tanika asks.

"I was gonna wear this y-yellow bralette." She holds up a yellow object.

"Well, bring a jacket, just in case."

Carrie was in the mirror, applying mascara to her eyes. "Guys, I'm bringing my roommate, is that ok?" She asks.

"Yeah, sure. We don't care." Tanika shrugs.

"Oh! That reminds me. I invited someone too!" Chloe chirps.

They all look at the screen, confused. "Who?" Jenny asks.

"Sadie Malkinson!"


It went silent. Dead silent. Carrie was on the other end of the phone, trying so hard to hold in her laugh.

"Sadie Malkinson? From middle school?" Tanika asks.

"T-The girl with l-lisp and d-d-diabetes?" Jenny asks next.

"The girl you totally were crushing on while being in a straight relationship with Ben?" Carrie smirks.

"I didn't have a crush on her!"

"Yes, you did." They say in unison.

"God, why does everyone say that? That was the reason Ben broke up with me! HE THOUGHT I WAS A LESBO!" She whines.

"I mean..." Tanika says, looking away.

"Ok, no more about me being gay, got damnit! Just don't embarrass me when she's there."

"Dude, it's Sadie Malkinson. You're going to be fine." Carrie rolls her eyes.

"Well, I'm heading out right now. Does anybody need a ride?" Tanika says.

"Yeah I do." Chloe says.

"M-Me too." Says Jenny.

"I'm good. Me and Thori are taking the bus. See you guys there."

"Bye!' They says before hanging up.

Carrie walks to the door. "You ready to go?" She asks Thori. Thori nods, walking towards her.

They took the bus downtown and ended up at a Dave & Busters.

"Out to eat, huh?" Thori jokes.

"Shut up. We just like this place." They walk inside, looking around for Chloe and the others. Carrie spots them and drags Thori over to the table.

"We're here." Carrie says in the most driest tone ever. "Carrie!" Chloe cheers as she sees Carrie standing at the table. "Sit! Sit!" She says, scooting over.

"You must be Carrie's roomie. Nice to meet you." Tanika smiles.

"You- COCKFACE! too." Thori replies back.

The table went completely silent. "Excuse me?"

"I-I'm  sorry, shit! I can't control it.."

"Oh ok..." Tanika says, side eyeing her.

"She has tourettes." Carrie says blankly.

"Dude! I can tell people- FUCK! that myself!" Thori says. "Oh, sorry. I just didn't want them to look at you weird...they're kinda judgemental."

"You are too, bitch!" Chloe says, clearly offended.

"Ye-Yeah. Like the most j-ju-judgmental person I've ever m-met." Jenny smirks.

"Yup. Carrie was a shit talker in middle school." Tanika says turning to Thori.

Chloe gets a text from her phone. She let's out a huge gasp. "She's here!" She cheers.

"Who? Sadie?" Tanika asks. Chloe nods, eagerly.

Chloe spots the tall girl in the door way. "Sadie over here!" Chloe waves her hands in the air. Everyone turns there heads. A tall girl with blonde and orange dyed hair starts to walk towards them.

"That's Sadie Malkinson?!" Tanika asks.

"Damn. Talk about glow up." Carrie says.

"Hey guys!" Sadie says, her lisp still there. Chloe gets up, hugging her, tightly. "You made it!" She smiles brightly. "Well of course I did."

"Tch. And she said it wasn't a crush."

"Shut the fuck up, Carrie."

The night was going well so far. Everybody was getting along. They eventually played arcade games and Lazer tag until it was time to go. They walk out the building, laughing and chatting.

"Carrie, ya'll still taking the bus or riding with us?" Tanika asks.

Carrie looks at Thori and Thori just shrugs. "We'll go with with you guys."

"Sadie's taking me home, so I won't be needing a ride." Chloe says, her arm wrapped around Sadie's.

Tanika looks them up and down. "Ok." She shrugs. "But you better be at home. You better not call us in the morning saying you ended up naked in bed with Sadie Malkinson." She says as they walk away.

"Jesus fucking Christ on a fucking stick, stop!"

Sadie chuckles. "You ready to go?" She smiles down at Chloe. Chloe nods, smiling back.

"You still wanna go to my place?"

"Yup." Chloe tighten her grip on Sadie's arm, leaning on her shoulder as they walk.

Chaper 2: Complete.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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