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Lydia's POV

" sweetie may I come in?" My mom said as she knocked on my door. " Yeah sure" I called out as I put my hair brush down. She walked inside and sat on my bed. " So I just want to tell you that you're going to Westfield okay? Your starting tomorrow so be prepared"

" Ugh seriously, we all know we are not going to make it into the first year mom" I sighed as I turned to face her. " I know but this school may be good for you, maybe get you some new friends?" She smiled.

" But mom I already had friends then Dad did all of this and then boom were moving to LA!" I exclaimed as mom sighed. " I get that honey but we needed a fresh start" I rolled my eyes as I leaned back in my chair

" You mean trying to save a failing marriage" I mumbled. She sighed as she walked out the door. God I hate this place already. I walked over to my bed as I grabbed my computer. Westfield high school. Suddenly a million links popped up and one caught my eyes.

"Westfield High school Massasure"

" Massacure huh?" I said as I clicked on the link. It showed an article describing everything down to the event and shooter. It was in 1994 and it was a killing by a student? " Damn didn't know a kid could kill this much kids in one day" I sighed.

The shooter's name was a dude named Tate Langdon. He was about 17 when he did these acts and resulted in him killing and shooting 15 kids. He had blonde hair and brown eyes and he looked pretty normal to me.

I scrolled down a bit as it described what he was wearing. He was wearing a painted on black skull mask with a black hoodie, a long coat almost like a cape, black jeans, and finally black boots. " At least the skull mask looks cool" I mumbled

He had his hair slick back and the mask reached up on his ears with little spider webs. I finally scrolled down to the final part of the article as it showed the date of his death and how he died. He was killed in his very own room by a SWAT team that shot him 7 times.

Jesus christ dying in your own room? Maybe my bed but just standing up, yeah I would rather choose my bed. Anyway the article showed a picture of Tate as I tilted my head. " He looks familiar" I mumbled as a loud knock was heard on my door.

" Who's there!" I called out as I walked towards my door. But of course there was no answer. " Seriously Vi, these pranks are getting annoying!" I groaned as I walked away from the door. " Hey I saw you yesterday. I kinda scared you" a voice said

I ran over to my door and opened it fast. " Happy to see me?" He asked grinning. " You were in that article?" I whispered but he simply shrugged off that comment. " Can I come in?" He says as I stepped back a little. " Yeah sure I guess" I sighed as he walked in

I took a step back as he looked over to my records and CDs. I sat on the floor as I kept staring at him. Was he really the guy from the article? That's not possible right? " So, what's your name creepy stalker" I chuckled

" I'm not a stalker and I'm Tate nice to meet you" He smiled. That's odd he even has the same name as him. " you?" he asked. " Lydia" I mumbled. " Are you one of my dads patients?" I asked as dad is still working as a therapist when he needs therapy himself.

" yeah, I just finished one of my sessions with him. It was alright I guess and he said to take pills for me to be more happy. " He sighed. " But I get to see you which is a plus"

" Why are you taking pills? You already seem like a ball of energy" I smiled. " No reason. Do you take pills?" He asks. " Just some sleeping and anxiety meds that's all" I sighed.

" But uh why did you want to see me? You barely know me" I asked. He then sat down in front of me and took my hands. " I know you're hurting Lydia. It's okay, I'm here there's no reason to hurt yourself now." He says softly

" You don't know what you're talking about" I mumbled. "You hurt yourself Lydia maybe not physically but mentally" He tells me.

I hated that he was right. Yes I don't self harm but my mind is a mess. It's like I can't focus on one thing at a time. It's just pure chaos and Dad cheating is not helping at all. Ever since I witnessed it I felt like a mess. I called him out on the many disgusting acts that he did but he simply shrugged it off.

Since Violet was the baby of the family she got most of the attention. I was only one when she was born and ever since then I was kinda the built in babysitter. I learned how to cook at a very young age, 8 to be exact. When mom had her episodes I usually cook and clean before Violet came home to make sure her life remains harmless

Even if mom and dad did still somewhat care about me it still hurt knowing that they didn't really care about my health. I was the one who had to pay for my meds while Violet didn't have to buy anything. I paid for my clothes, education, heck even gifts.

" Thanks Tate, you're actually not a bad guy" I smiled. He quickly pulls me into a hug as he strokes my hair. " You're welcome Lydia" He mumbled. " I thought you had already left Tate" a voice said as I saw dad in the doorway glaring at Tate

Tate let go of me as he stood up. I sighed as I got up with him, knowing what was going to happen. " Keep your hands off my daughter. Got it? Now leave your session is already over" He spats. Tate quickly looks at me and gives me a soft smile which I returned.

Before he walks out he glares at Dad and hits him with his shoulder. I slightly giggled as Dad turned to me. " You really think this is funny Lydia?" He yells. " Kinda" I mumbled. " He isn't mentally okay. He can and will harm you" he tells me.

" Like i'm not mentally okay" I laughed. " Your fine Lydia, enough of this nonsense. It's just you being a teenager" He rolls his eyes. " oh but when Violet has my same exact problems you rush to her?" I yelled.

" Don't raise your voice at me! I am still your father. Violet has some real problems unlike you" I laughed as I grabbed my pills. " YOU REALLY THINK ALL THESE PILLS MEAN NOTHING" I scream. I threw my pills on the floor as they all shattered.

" I am not okay Dad. I have to fucking drug myself to feel normal! I have to deal with everyone's bullshit. I have to deal with the pain of this family. And you don't even see how Violet is scared of you! She is terrified if she is going to turn out like you. Your not a good person to look up to Ben!" I yelled as all my emotions spilled out

" Shut up Lydia this isn't important." He mumbled as he walked out the door. "HOW IS THIS NOT IMPORTANT BEN" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I dropped to the floor. "Lyds?" I hear Violet say as I look up at her

" Oh Vi" I whispered as she walked over to me. " I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I sobbed as she took a step back. " I'm not like him right?" I say as my eyes widened. Violet just remained silent as she walked out of my room.

" FUCK" I screamed as I clutched my hair. I quickly walked up to the door and closed it. I slowly sat on my bed as I curled up in a little ball. " I'm not like him right?" I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Suddenly my eyes felt droopy as I closed my eyes. Letting the darkness consume me.


I was peacefully walking through the house as I heard a huge bang upstairs. I looked up towards the stairs as I saw Ben walk down the steps mumbling something to himself. " That stupid girl" He said as I scoffed

I walked up the stairs as I passed her room. There sat a sobbing Lydia, curled up in a little ball. " I'm not like him right?" She whispered as I sat next to her. She clutched her hair as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her nose and eyes were a light pink as my gaze softened

' I'm sorry you have to go through this Lydia" I said but thankfully she was asleep for her not to hear me. I leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. " Nothing is going to hurt you" I whispered as I brushed her hair away from her eyes.

I softly smiled as I stood up. It was strange, as soon as she came here she was all I could think about. Her smile, her laugh, everything. It was like an obsession. It wasn't like a killing obsession but more of a protective one. I couldn't help but feel for her.

She was like me


1669 words

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