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Lydia's POV

It has been exactly 2 weeks 5 hours, 29 minutes, and 10 seconds since the fight between me and my dad. Violet has been a bit distant since then. I mean I guess I might've scared her but I apologized many times but she still ignores me. I still try to make small talk but I get if she needs some space

Meh lets see if she can fend for herself now, even though she can barely cook for the life of her. I was peacefully reading some horror novels before I heard my mom scream for me and Violet. I sighed as the book was finally getting good. I quickly put my book mark in as I closed my book.

I walked down the steps with Violet as my gaze was met with a lady. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, much like Tate's. I furrowed my brows as I made sure Violet was next to me. She turned to us and smiled.

" Girls, this is Constance, our neighbor!" Mom said smiling. I looked at Constance as I tried to figure out why she is here. " hello Ms. Constance" I said slightly smiling. Violet simply just waved as I sighed. " come on we have to be nice" I mumbled as she scoffed. " I don't like her" She snapped.

" We just met the lady!" I whispered. She shrugged me off as Mom looked at us worriedly. " I'm so sorry about Violet she's just shy but she is lovely once you get to know her" Mom says sighing as I laugh. Sure she is " soooo niceeee"

" Oh don't worry dear I have my own brat at home" Constance laughs. " Nice house, didn't change since the last time I saw it" She smiled as I shifted my gaze to her. " You've been here?" I asked as she simply shrugged me off.

" yes it is a lovely structure, I moved in with my girls Lydia and Violet, my husband, ben, and my cute fluffy dog!" Mom replies beaming. I smiled with her even though the whole " Husband" thing is slowly dying out.

Mom then put her hand on my shoulder. " This is Lydia, my oldest, she's very bright and determined. One of the smartest people you will ever meet!" Mom smiled as she kissed my head. Violet then cleared her throat as my mom looked at her.

" Oh and this is Violet, she is very kind once you get to know her" Mom said awkwardly as she scoffs. " Trust me, Lydia isn't much better than me" Violet mumbled as she walked off. " I'm so sorry" I apologized.

She simply smiled and said she had to leave. We waved while she left as mom sighed. " God your sister sure is something" mom mumbles. " tell me about it" I laughed. She gave me a quick hug as she kissed my head.

" You're a good sister to her you know?" Mom smiles. " You sure 'cause she is treating me like shit right now" I sighed. " Violet is Violet, she has.. trouble showing her feelings." She tells me. " You should be happy that she shows hers to you" I nodded as she cupped my face.

" It's time for bed, I love you so much, my sweet beautiful girl" She whispers as I smiled. " Love you too Mom" I giggled as I walked up the stairs. I was about to walk by Violets room before I stopped. I knocked on the door as I walked in

" What do you want" She mumbles. " I want to say night, Love you Vi" i smiled as I gave her a quick hug. She slightly smiled. " Love you too" She muttered. I walked out of her room and into the bathroom. I took a quick shower as I brushed my teeth.

I left the bathroom after I brushed my hair as I made my way into my room. I slipped into my Pajamas as I laid down in my bed. " God I love this bed" I groaned as I soon fell asleep.

The next day

I was quickly awoken from my sleep as my alarm clock rang loudly in my ears. I groaned as I hit my clock stopping the annoying noise. " Shut up!" I mumbled as the clock laid on the floor. I hated the mornings. The night was the only time I was even some what active

I groggily got out of bed as I rubbed my eyes. I walked over to my closet as I put on a black long sleeve shirt and some ripped jeans. I put on some rings and some earrings. I grabbed my bag as I put in my books and some novels for me to read when i'm bored

I walked down the stairs with my bag on my shoulders as I saw both Mom and Violet gone. I looked down as I saw a little note next to a plate of food.

My dearest daughter,

Good morning Lydia, sorry for not dropping you off but I had to take Violet to school first since we have a meeting with the principal about her behavior. I left some food for you next to this note. Have a great day at school, make good choices!

Love, your mom

" of course" i mumbled as I sat down and quickly ate my food. I finished my food as I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I put in my earbuds as I blasted my music as I walked to school. To be honest music is the only way I deal with all this bullshit. Anyway I arrived at "Hell" or otherwise known as school about 15 ish minutes later. I quickly grabbed a Cigarette as I lit it. I inhaled the smoke as it coursed through my body.

I kept walking into the school as I saw a bunch of girls shooting glares at me. Great first day at school and LA snobs are after me. I continued my walk before a high pitched noise caught my attention.

" You shouldn't be smoking here. It's a SCHOOL" she snaps as I take off my headphones. " Oh uh my bad" I replied as I dropped the Cig and rubbed it into the ground with my boot. I sighed as I tried to continue my way to class and to see Vi before, of course, she spoke up again

" WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" She screams as I cover my ears. " Jesus lady your voice could kill someone, tone it down a bit" I replied as a girl beside her spoke up. " Her nana died of lung cancer a while back, and she takes this really seriously"

" Look I'm really sorry about that but I gotta get to class and uh I don't even know you guys" I laughed. Suddenly the main bitch grabbed the smushed cigarette and shoved it near my mouth. " I want you to eat it" She commands.

" Are you crazy?" I laughed even more. " You must be psychotic if you think i'm going to eat that shit" I smiled. " No! You're going too far, let's just go!" Another girl spoke as she tapped the girls shoulder.

" No, No I won't leave until she eats it in front of me" The main one says as she shrugs her hand off her shoulder. " You should probably listen to your little friend. She has more brains then all of you" I suggested

The girl tried to push it into my mouth as I moved my face. She looks at me in rage as she tries to force it into my mouth. I twisted her arm as I punched her nose. " When I say no I mean fucking no" I snapped as she clenched her nose, her piercing shrieks filling the school

I jogged off as teachers started to walk over and the last thing I wanted to do was get in trouble. " WEIRDO" I yelled as I started laughing. A few minutes later I thankfully ran into Violet as she walked up to her locker.

" Vi! I have to tell you something!" I explain as she jumps. " Jesus Lydia! maybe not sneak up on me next time" She laughs. " Whatever, but I kinda punched a chick a few minutes ago" I sighed.

" Holy shit! Did she deserve it?" She asks as she grabs her books. " Obviously! She tried to force a Cigarette in my mouth like a crazy person" I exclaim. " Oh and you have to hear her voice its like nails on a chalkboard" I groaned.

" You really love getting into trouble huh?" She asks. I smiled as I pushed her shoulder with mine. " Someone has to be the fun sibling" I laughed. " Touche" Violet agreed as we walked down the hall.

" Who knows maybe she will be asking for more since I didn't eat her little snack" I said as Violet groaned. " I hope not I really don't want to be known as the crazy girls little sister" She tells me. " hey I'm only older by a few months" I argued as she stares at me

" Still, I want everything to be normal at this school" She explains. I sighed as I moved my bag straps a bit higher. " Yeah Yeah I know" I smiled.


1597 words

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