VVR Playthroughs

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So, I've played through VVR dozens of times atp and recently I've kinda been thinking of doing a play thru. I've noticed from the few play-throughs of VVR I've seen that theres a lot of neat content and stuff people don't usually show, so what I was thinking of doing was making a super long VVR play-through where I focus only on getting dialogue rather than.. yk.. actually getting the game done in a reasonable amount of time. I think this would be fun, since theres a lot of vvr content I've been dying to show to the world outside of my few discord VVR friends. Especially for VVR2, where there's been a lot of updated with added information/new sections in the game that aren't there in a lot of older play throughs, so yk. I think that it would be easy for me to get thru 1 since I play that one the most and know too much about it, but 2 might be more difficult since its like 5.5 hours playing it regularly and hhfhfj.. The video quality might be terrible since I'm on a quest 2 streaming to a very-much-not-quest-compatible computer and using that to edit and stuff, but regardless it would still be more vvr content into the internet so I think it will be okay even if it is trash.

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