Chapter 1

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*Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait. So, for those of you waiting or new to this, thank you for reading what I have so far as I introduce you a new story at hand for the looney tunes fanfics. Like the 'Rebellious Hearts' story, this one is a human AU multi-couple story that will now focus more on the relationship between Wile E Coyote and Roadrunner in a classic tale of enemies to lovers involving the hard work and dedication of two interns wanting the same big promotion without excepting what would happen next. If you forget who is who, check out the profile or read out the following: Waylon is Wile E Coyote, Ryder is Roadrunner, Dylan is Daffy, Brandon is Bugs, Penelope is Petunia, and Payton is Porky. Enjoy! ❤️🙏

In the world of busy streets and glimmering tall buildings within the Big Apple city, comes 21 year old Ryder, who was on his way to his first day of internship at a company called Harven, a social media company that markets and promotes awareness for the branding of organizations and businesses.

While 24 year old Waylon, who happens to be working for the same company, crosses paths with him in the opposite direction.

Not knowing that they were in each other's way....until suddenly!

"Ahhh!" Ryder yelled out right as he bumps into Waylon in a splat of coffee and donuts all together!

"Hey! Watch where you're going next time! You've just spilt coffee all over my new suit. Geez. Can't you just walk on the sidewalks properly like a normal human being?" Waylon spoke out, rudely.

"Wha! Me?! What about you?! Look what you did to my donuts?!" Ryder yelled out, irritated.

"Oh please, you could get more of those Shipley donuts anytime." Waylon remarked while rolling his eyes, annoyed.

"Gasp! How dare you! Those donuts were Krispy Kreme's! I had to wait 30 minutes to get a fresh batch!" Ryder gasped out, offended.

"Oh boo hoo. Like you couldn't replace a couple cheap made donuts. And anyways, I'm late to work now so, thanks a lot." Waylon retorted while looking at his watch irritated before shoving past him and walks away in the other direction.

Right as Ryder whirls around and tries to get back at him.

"Well, why don't you kiss my tail?! Huh?! Y-you load of crude! I hope the cleaners eat your suit up when they're done damaging it any further!" Ryder yelled out, angrily.

But obviously wasn't heard as the poor guy fumes out in frustration.

"Ooo! What a total jerk! Ryder grumbled out loud before heading in his own direction to work.

Without even realizing that he was going the wrong way.


10 minutes later passed by later as Waylon now enters the Harven business building and checks in with the front desk for more information.

"Hi there. I'm new here and I need to know which floor to go to for the social media representative job." Waylon informed the receptionist in front of him.

"Of course. All employees of the marketing division will be on the 6th floor." The receptionist informs him, whose name tag says 'Penelope' on her uniform.

"Thank you. Have a good day." Waylon said politely before proceeding to elevator and reaches up to the 6th floor.

While Penelope the receptionist, on the other hand, sulks over on countertop in boredom.

"Sigh. Man. This job is so boring. I should have just applied for the marketing position instead. I could have enjoyed this place and made more money. Those bills aren't going to pay for themselves." Penelope mumbled in a slouch, not knowing that someone was coming up to her on the counter.

I (dis)like you (Human AU: Office rivalry)Where stories live. Discover now