Chapter 6

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After both of their shifts ended, the two clocked out from their phones and headed out to the lobby.

Where Waylon, who had finished his work first, sat down at a nearby chair until Ryder was ready to go.

"Hey. Thanks for waiting for me." Ryder said with a smile while walking to him.

"No problem. What place sounds good to you?" Waylon asked curiously.

"Hmm. How about a cup of coffee at a really good cafe." Ryder suggested.

"I think I might know the place." Waylon replied with a smile as the two head over to his car and drove on over to a familiar cafe known as Cafe-Flor.

After they got out of the car, Ryder immediately recognized the place and gasped.

"Gasp! No way. You go to this one too?" Ryder asked in surprise. 

"Yep. Every morning. Although I could have sworn, that we might've first met here instead of the backstreet towards our work." Waylon hypothesized.

"I know. Me too! How come I didn't get to see you there?" Ryder asked, curiously.

"I guess we must have just passed by each other." Waylon suggested with a smile.

"Yeah..." Ryder replied softly as the two looked at each other for a small moment before Waylon suddenly formed a gloomy expression on his face and tugged onto his own arm, anxiously.

Thinking about how much of a jerk he's been when they first met.

And wondered if he could take any of it back.

"Look, I never got a chance to say this to you earlier but, I'm sorry." Waylon spoke softly.

"For what?" Ryder asked, curiously.

"For... making you feel like you were just a clueless idiot, who didn't know how to do anything." Waylon said rubbing his neck, guilty.

"Oh pfft. It's nothing. I was just being a little overdramatic, that's all." Ryder said wavering it off like it's nothing.

"I mean it. You're a very talented hard worker and if anything, you would be better off with that leader job than me." Waylon said, sadly.

"No way. You worked hard on that promotion too. You should have at least have a shot at it. You deserve it just as much as anybody does. Ryder encouraged on as Waylon slowly looked at his eyes that shone brightly in a sparkly light blue color while seeing his smile form like a flower blooming.

With the feeling of his heart now beating lightly like a small drum.

Before realizing his face was getting warm from some of his blushing!

"*Ahem. Let's head inside before the line starts getting too long." Waylon spoke quickly before opening the door while Ryder raised an eyebrow in confusion by his reaction.

After they ordered their coffee, the two then sat down at outside table.

Where the night winds of New York City cool down in swift breezes.

"So, um. How's the project coming along so far?" Waylon asked curiously while sipping lightly on his coffee.

"It's good. I'm just stuck on the theme of it that's all. You?" Ryder replied before holding onto his coffee in an attempt to heat his hands from the chilly weather.

"I just have an outlined draft written out, but I still needed to tweak out some of the details first before doing anything else." Waylon explained while tilting his head when thinking about the mainframe of his project.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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