Chapter 3

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*Author's note: had to make a few changes to some side characters so I'm introducing Pierce as Pepe in this particular chapter first. I'll make some alterations about the side characters in the profile later on as well.

As the first few weeks passed by full of commitment and dedication for the project...

So did the many pranks and tricks that Ryder and Waylon tried to pull on each other.

Starting with a simple attempt of caffeine intake giving off the worst feeling of dread. 


I can't seem to focus on what I want to write about.

Maybe some coffee might help.

Waylon thought rubbing his forehead before getting up from his seat and heads to the kitchen break area of the building to pour himself a cup from a liter container filled with coffee that had already been made by someone that morning before adding some milk from the staff fridge into the mix.

Not knowing what will happen next as he places the hot cup of liquid by his lips and attempts to get a sip of it.

Before suddenly flinching back from its immediate unpleasant taste, resulting in him spitting out the rest immediately.

"*Spits! Bleh! Who in their right mind made this junk?!" Waylon yelled out loud, wiping away his mouth from any leftover coffee that stayed on his face.

As Ryder, who had been watching from behind a corner, quickly popped in and laughed at his sour reaction.

"Bahahaha! Ha-oh. I'm sorry. Was the coffee that bad? I must have made it with too much water. Or maybe, it could have been the taste of bad milk that was spoiling in the fridge. I should have read the expiration date sooner. My bad." Ryder mocked, holding his guts from laughing so hard.

"Grr. You're gonna pay for that trashy prank." Waylon growled, furiously with his hands clenched in anger.

"Heh. Well, we can't all be winners. Now can we? But I wouldn't know how a loser like you could beat my skills. Because I'm faster and much more smarter than you think." Ryder said, sticking his tongue at him, childishly.

"Oh trust me. You won't be laughing for long once I get to wipe that smirk off your face. Just you wait, I've got plans coming for you." Waylon declared.

"Not when I'm already two steps ahead of you, pal. See ya!" Ryder said, with a wave goodbye as the frustrated Waylon watch him walk away, irritated.

And so from there, the war continued.

With of course, the next few pranks not being any much different from the first.

As the two now focus all their time, getting revenge on each other in a classic cat and mouse game.

From deleting each other's saved data off of their computers.

To ruining their work chairs with superglue and paint that had ruined both their pants.

To even switching the teams' water container out with toilet water.

With the next prank following right afterwards, turning out to be somehow, a more awkward one at that.

This time, it involved a printer that the team uses to print out their ideas for the project.

Except for some reason, the printer doesn't seem to be working as Ryder, who unfortunately fell victim to this prank, attempts to fix the printer himself manually.

"Why isn't this stupid piece of junk working?! Ryder asked in irritation, now kicking the printer with his feet.

Which didn't help much to the problem either as Waylon walks over to him with a smug look on his face and his arms crossed in satisfaction.

I (dis)like you (Human AU: Office rivalry)Where stories live. Discover now