Braving the Storm

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Detective Joo broke the silence, his voice edged with concern. "We've uncovered leads during this investigation, but we still haven't identified the real culprits behind all of these."

Joong-Gil nodded, the weight of the case evident in his weary eyes. "I know, Detective Joo. We're close, but it's like chasing shadows. Those bastards are well-protected."

Detective Joo hesitated before continuing, "I've been thinking, and I can't help but wonder if the threats your family received are somehow connected to this case. It's possible that someone within the corrupt network knows we're getting close."

The mention of the threats sent a shiver down Joong-Gil's spine. "For sure they are. If they're willing to target my family to keep us at bay, we must be nearer to the truth than we thought we were."

The two men exchanged a grave look, realizing that their pursuit of justice had placed not only their careers but also their loved ones in grave danger. The storm may have passed, but the tempest of their pursuit of justice was far from over.

"Men, listen up," he began, addressing his team who had been working tirelessly on the case. We've made progress, but it's not worth risking our safety. We'll wrap up here and head home."

"Your safety is my priority," His subordinates looked at each other. "I'm not saying we're giving up. But for now, I need each of you to go home safely." They're in disbelief. They weren't used to this side of Prosecutor Park asking them to go home in the middle of an investigation. "We'll resume when the weather is in our favor." He concluded.

The surprise was evident on their faces. Some exchanged relieved glances while others showed uncertainty, but no one dared question the prosecutor's orders. Joong-Gil beckoned Detective Joo aside. In a hushed conversation, he said, "Joo, pick one of the officers you trust to oversee the closing of this investigation."

Detective Joo nodded, fully understanding the importance of the task. "Officer Sim can handle things here. We can count on him, that's for sure."

"Now, relay the order. And I want you to go home as well. Your wife and kids are surely worried about you."

The detective hesitated for a moment, concern etched on his face. "Are you sure, Prosecutor? You've always been the one to stay late, to lead the charge. It's not like you to leave early."

Joong-Gil offered a faint smile, "We all have families to tend to. Besides, my daughter needs me. She's afraid of thunder. We'll resume the investigation as soon as possible."

"Is that really you, Park Joong-Gil?" Even Detective Joo is in disbelief of his long-tim

Dark clouds hung heavily in the sky, casting a shadow over Seoul. The low rumble of thunder echoed through the air, a deep and ominous sound. Raindrops splattered against the windows of the rented apartment, creating a soothing melody that filled the room. Minji's eyes were filled with fear as lightning flashed across the sky. She clutched her stuffed bunny tightly, seeking comfort from the storm that raged outside.

Joong-Gil watched his daughter, his heart aching at her distress. He knew how terrified she was of thunder and lightning. Dedicated to pacifying her apprehensions, he situated himself beside her, encircling her shoulders with a defensive arm. "It's just a storm, Minji," Joong-Gil reassured her gently.

Minji buried her face in her father's chest, her small body trembling with each thunderous boom. "Papa, please don't go anywhere. Stay with me." Joong-Gil's heart melted at his daughter's plea. His tender touch on her hair conveyed his affection and reassurance.

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