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"I have something to tell you—we're meeting a special friend tonight," with a gentle smile Ryeon told her daughter.

Curiosity sparked in Minji's eyes as she looked up at her mother."Who is it, Mama? Can you please give me a hint?"

"It's a surprise." her voice echoing with mixed emotions. She knows that this will be a pivotal change in both their lives but it is something Minji deserves.

When Minji and Ryeon arrived in the restaurant, Ryeon can feel her heart leap out of her chest. She couldn't fathom what her daughter's reaction will be now that she will finally meet him not as her teacher but as her father. As the door opened, the light in Minji's eyes shone when she saw Joong-Gil sitting there with a big smile that shows his love for the two people coming towards him. His eyes were filled with both nerves and excitement, making them shine brightly.

"Hello Minji," he greeted the little girl, his voice steady yet tender.

"Mr. Park! Why are you here?" Minji asked.

Locking eyes with Joong-Gil, "He's here to meet us." Ryeon interjected confidently to Minji.

With innocent curiosity, she asked doubtfully, "Really?"

Nodding, Ryeon's gaze softened as she pondered finding the perfect words. In a gentle manner she spoke, "Mr. Park is the friend we're going to meet."

"Huh??? You know each other?"

Joong-Gil understood that it was necessary to intervene and provide clear information, so he lowered himself to Minji's eye level. As he looked for the suitable words, his heart raced with anticipation and anxiety, aware of how important his disclosure was. With gentle words, "Minji," his voice expressing care and sincerity to the little girl in-front of him. "Do you remember the conversation we had at the shed a few weeks ago? About Dad's day?"

Minji agreed and stared at Joong-Gil. The chat stayed in her memory, with inquiries about her dad that made her young mind wonder.

"You have someone to bring now."

Minji looked puzzled and surprised, unable to understand what Joong-Gil had just said.

"Me!" he said lovingly and confidently. "I am your father."

Joong-Gil's eyes became moist as he speak, "I'm sorry Minji."

Minji's initial shock slowly turned into a mix of feelings, including confusion, disbelief, and even a little bit of hope. She looked from Joong-Gil to Ryeon, seeking confirmation. "Mama, is this true?"

"I should have told you earlier," Ryeon expressed with tenderness and sincerity. "Mama was wrong. I'm sorry."

Minji's gaze fell on Joong-Gil. Her eyes held a blend of vulnerability and curiosity. "Mr. Park? Is this true?" she queried, with an innocent longing to be connected.

His voice filled with unwavering love, Joong-Gil knelt down to Minji's eye level. "Yes, Minji, it is." he replied, his voice filled with the warmth of a father's embrace. "And Papa is so sorry for everything. But, papa is here now and I will never leave you and Mama again, I promise."

Within Minji, confusion, and longing swirled, forming a tumultuous storm of emotions. She sought answers with her young heart, trying to understand the jumbled emotions and the unexpected revelation that had shaken her world.

Minji's voice trembled. "Why did you showed up just now, Mr. Park?"

As Ryeon saw the pain etched on her daughter's face, her heart sank. She comprehended Minji's requirement for an explanation and the need for reassurance that she was not deliberately kept unaware. Knowing that her words held the power to shape Minji's perception of their fractured family, Ryeon took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts and emotions. "It's my fault baby...didn't tell him about you. I'm sorry."

Her gaze shifted between her mother and father, causing Minji's eyes to well up with tears. She grappled with the hurt caused by the timing of Joong-Gil's revelation while conflicting emotions battled within her.

Minji's voice trembled, her words laced with a mixture of hurt and confusion. "Huh? Why?"

Seeking to explain, Ryeon's eyes were filled with a combination of sadness and regret. She confessed, "It was complicated back then and I was scared," her voice barely above a whisper, "of the consequences and the pain it might cause. I thought I was protecting both of you, shielding you from the complexities of our past. But I hurt you even more."

"I should have fought for my love for your mama harder. This wouldn't have happened. Papa is very sorry." Joong-Gil interjected, admitting his responsibility and expressing remorse.

The battlefield of Minji's heart was fraught with conflicting emotions as she shifted her gaze between her parents. The weight of their remorse and genuine desire to make amends was visible, yet within her, the wounds of deception still stings.

Ryeon's words laced with a mother's tenderness, "I understand that this is a lot to process all at once. But Mama is here for you, and we will go through this together."

"I wouldn't force you to accept me immediately or call me Papa," Joong-Gil's voice quivering with vulnerability. He continued, "But please, Minji, give me a chance to make it up to you."

The weight of the moment hung heavy on Minji's young shoulders as she struggled to find the words to respond. Her conflicting feelings stirred inside her, poised to engulf her vulnerable mental state. "I...I..." Minji's voice shook with fear and uncertainty as she tried to form words before her strength gave out completely.

Ryeon's heart was startled as she swiftly caught Minji in her arms, her heart filled with alarm. Joong-Gil's eyes widened in concern as he knelt down over Minji's still form, grappling with a surge of different emotions. The weight of the moment bore down upon him as his hopes and fears collided within his chest.

Ryeon whispered with heavy regret, "I think it was all just too much for her. She needs to rest. Can you give us a ride?"
I hope I redeemed Ryeon. 🤞

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