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I had no idea where I was going, but I couldn't stop my legs from walking me as fast as they could away from that situation.

As I round the corner, my back slams into the concrete wall of the building, my hand flies up to my mouth as my breathing increases, sending pulsates through my body at increased rates.

I hated that he made me like this.

I hated that he still had that control over me.

Coming back here was risky, but I thought I would be able to hide from him, that London was a big enough place to keep us separated for the week that I was here.

I attempt to wipe the tears from my eyes, but they are coming out faster than I can rid them.

"Excuse me, miss" a kind voice announces from my side, "Is everything okay?"

My head reluctantly turns to the side, where I can almost make the vision out of a person.

"Miss?" They ask again, "Can you hear me, is everything okay?"

I think I'm nodding my head, at least that's what I'm attempting to do.

"Here, come sit down" they offer, feeling a gentle hand at the small of my back, and one holding onto my hand very delicately as if I were breakable, but also firm enough that I know I'm stable.

'Have some of this" they suggest, a new bottled water being presented in my view.

"Thank you" I sniffle out.

"You're okay. You look like you're having a panic attack" they comment before they are crouched down in front of me, their face now coming into clear view. "Follow my breathing okay"

I watch intently as he counts to four on his breath in, and four on his breath out. He repeats this movement a few times over, as I feel myself begin to relax.

"There you go" he reassures. "You okay?"

I let out heavy breath, "Yeah, I'm okay, thank you" I appreciate, now feeling awfully embarrassed.

"What's your name?" He asks me.

"I'm Adley" I inform him, taking his held out hand in mine.

"Hi Adley, I'm Wyatt" he introduces.

"Thank you for helping me, Wyatt" I appreciate, attempting to stand up.

His hand grasps onto mine, giving me a steady base to support me whilst I regain my balance.

"That's okay. No problem"

"You must think I'm a right idiot" I muse, dusting my pants from any dirt.

He chuckles a little, "No that's okay, I see it quite a bit, actually" I must look at him with as much confusion as I feel because he adds, "I'm a doctor"

"Impressive" I breath out, then realising I did have a coffee in my hand at one point, and now I do not.

"Everything okay?" He asks when I'm obviously flustered.

"Sorry, just struggling to retrace my steps over the last few minutes. Ran into my past, wasn't really expecting it" I begin to overshare.

I'm thankful when he doesn't seem too weirded out by me though. "I know what that is like. My ex decided to get a job at the cafeteria in the hospital" he muses. "Now, my already short lunch break becomes even smaller by having to leave the hospital for food"

"And even shorter again when you have to help patients out in the street" I mock.

He smiles at my comment, the corners of his eyes wrinkling when he does. "Believe me, I didn't mind"

I can't help but smile back, "Well, I do appreciate it. I best let you get back to your lunch break then" I acknowledge, pointing to the paper bag in his hand.

"Right" he breaths, looking down at the bag almost regretfully.

"Thank you again, for saving me" I appreciate.

"You're welcome, Adley.Hopefully I'll see you around, but not for the same reasons" he quickly adds.

"Bye" I wave awkwardly, as I begin to walk backwards away from him.

As I make my way down the street, I purchase another much needed coffee from a coffee van on the side of the road and find a bench seat in the park to settle on.

Opening my book, I find myself starring blankly at the words, trying to get my head around everything that has happened this morning.

Running into Bradley, as well as Mrs Walters definitely wasn't what I had on my agenda this morning, I was feeling like I needed to go back to bed and start the day again.

Reaching for my phone in my jacket pocket when I feel it vibrating, I swipe my finger across the answer button before bringing it up to my ear.

"How's the hangover?" I tease.

I hear Bodhi let out a frustrated moan on the other end of the line, ignoring my question, she changes the subject. "Do you still know how to sew?"

"Umm" I think, "That depends on what is required."

"My bosses wedding is tomorrow and the zipper on her dress came unhooked from the material and her seamstress is overseas and everywhere she's rung is completely booked out.  Could you take a look at it?" She asks.

"Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem" I accept.

"Okay, well I told her I'd bring you around to her place this afternoon" she informs me.

"Okay" I check my watch for an allocation on the time, "I'll be home in about an hour, we can go down the?" I ask.

"Sounds good. You're a lifesaver, Adley" she compliments before hanging up the phone.

When Bodhi and I make it over to her bosses house a little while after, I managed to pick up enough things from the store to cover all possible scenarios.

"I'm curious" I begin, "Why would your boss ask me to fix this?"

Bodhi looks at me in remorse, "I kind of offered. She came into work this morning after visiting every seamstress in the city and I remembered you used to sew."

"I followed step by step sewing crafts from the dollar store" I remind her.

"Still more experience than anyone in that room had" to be fair, Bodhi worked at a florist, not much need for sewing experience there.

We walk up the front steps of her bosses palace. I'm hesitant to call it a house, because of the valet that were out the front.

"Flower shop must be doing alright for itself" I mock.

"It's who she's marrying" Bodhi whispers, "He's a Leclerc"

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